
ROS2 node for DJI Tello and Visual SLAM for mapping of indoor environments.

MIT License


DJI Tello ROS2

  • DJI Tello driver for ROS 2 based on DJITelloPy that uses the official SDK for the drone.
  • Can be used to control multiple drones both using the swarm functionality (only for Tello EDU) or using multiple WLAN with regular Tello drones.
  • This project was developed as a way of learning ROS 2 and evaluate the viability of moving other in progress projects from ROS 1 to ROS 2.
  • Ii is recommended to update the Tello firmware to the latest version available
  • Project workspace is divided into sub-workspaces that contain different logic.
    • tello package is the main package, includes access to the drone information, camera image and control.
    • tello_msg package defines custom messages to access specific Tello data.
      • Defines the TelloStatus, TelloID and TelloWifiConfig messages
    • tello_control package is a sample control package that displays the drone image and provides keyboard control.
      • T used for takeoff, L to land the drone, F to flip forward, E for emergency stop, WASD and arrows to control the drone movement.
  • Bellow is the list of topics published and consumed by the tello package
  • The list of published topics alongside their description and frequency. These topics are only published when some node subscribed to them, otherwise they are not processed.
Topic Type Description Frequency
/image_raw sensor_msgs/Image Image of the Tello camera 30hz
/camera_info sensor_msgs/CameraInfo Camera information (size, calibration, etc) 2hz
/status tello_msg/TelloStatus Status of the drone (wifi strength, batery, temperature, etc) 2hz
/id tello_msg/TelloID Identification of the drone w/ serial number and firmware 2hz
/imu sensor_msgs/Imu Imu data capture from the drone 10hz
/battery sensor_msgs/BatteryState Battery status 2hz
/temperature sensor_msgs/Temperature Temperature of the drone 2hz
/odom nav_msgs/Odometry Odometry (only orientation and speed) 10hz
/tf geometry_msgs/TransformStamped Transform from base to drone tf, prefer a external publisher. 10hz
  • The list of topics subscribed by the node, these topics can be renamed in the launch file.
Topic Type Description
\emergency std_msgs/Empty When received the drone instantly shuts its motors off (even when flying), used for safety purposes
\takeoff std_msgs/Empty Drone takeoff message, make sure that the drone has space to takeoff safely before usage.
\land std_msgs/Empty Land the drone.
\control geometry_msgs/Twist Control the drone analogically. Linear values should range from -100 to 100, speed can be set in x, y, z for movement in 3D space. Angular rotation is performed in the z coordinate. Coordinates are relative to the drone position (x always relative to the direction of the drone)
\flip std_msgs/String Do a flip with the drone in a direction specified. Possible directions can be "r" for right, "l" for left, "f" for forward or "b" for backward.
\wifi_config tello_msg/TelloWifiConfig Configure the wifi credential that should be used by the drone. The drone will be restarted after the credentials are changed.
  • The list of parameters used to configure the node. These should be defined on a launch file.
Name Type Description Default
connect_timeout float Time (seconds) until the node is killed if connection to the drone is not available. 10.0
tello_ip string IP of the tello drone. When using multiple drones multiple nodes with different IP can be launched. ''
tf_base string Base tf to be used when publishing data 'map'
tf_drone string Name of the drone tf to use when publishing data 'drone'
tf_pub boolean If true a static TF from tf_base to tf_drone is published False
camera_info_file string Path to a YAML camera calibration file (obtained with the calibration tool) ''

Camera Calibration

  • To allow the drone to be used for 3D vision tasks, as for example monocular SLAM the camera should be first calibrated.
  • A sample calibration file is provided with parameters captures from the drone used for testing but it is recommended to perform individual calibrations for each drone used.
  • Calibration can be achieved using the camera_calibration package. Calibration pattern can be generated using the pattern generator tool.
ros2 run camera_calibration cameracalibrator --size 7x9 --square 0.16 image:=/image_raw camera:=/camera_info
  • Take as many frame as possible and measure your check board grid size to ensure good accuracy in the process. When the process ends a calibrationdata.tar.gz will be created in the /tmp path.

Launch File

  • Launch files in ROS2 are now defined using python code. To launch the main node of the project add the following code to your file.
        {'tello_ip': ''}
        ('/image_raw', 'camera')

Overheating Problems

  • The motor drivers in the DJI Tello overheat after a while when the drone is not flying. To cool down the drivers i have removed the plastic section on top of the heat spreader (as seen in the picture).
  • If you are comfortable with leaving the PCB exposed removing the plastic cover should result in even better thermals.
  • If possible place the drone on top of an old computer fan or use a laptop cooler to prevent the drone from shutting down due to overheating.


  • To install the driver download the code from git, install dependencies using the script/ script.
  • After all dependencies are installed build the code and and install using colcon as usual or use the script/ and script/ to test the code.

Visual SLAM

  • The drone is equipped with a IMU and a camera that can be used for visual SLAM in order to obtain the location of the drone and a map of the environment.
  • ORB SLAM 2 is a monocular visual based algorithm for SLAM that can be easily integrated with the Tello drone using this package.
  • The wrapper provided alongside with this repository is based on the alsora/ros2-ORB-SLAM2 project using the alsora/ORB_SLAM2 modified version of ORB Slam that does not depend on pangolin.
  • To run the monocular SLAM node after installing all dependencies and building the package run.
ros2 run ros2_orbslam mono <VOCABULARY FILE> <CONFIG_FILE>
  • The vocabulary file can be obtained from the ORB_SLAM2 repository ( ORB_SLAM2/Vocabulary/ORBvoc.txt).
  • Sample configuration files can be found inside the package at orbslam2/src/monocular/config.yaml for monocular SLAM.

Setup ROS 2 Foxy

  • Run the install script to setup the ROS 2 (Foxy Fitzroy) environment.
  • Check the ROS2 Tutorials page to learn how to setup workspace and create packages.
  • To install dependencies of the packages available in a workspace directory src run rosdep install -i --from-path src --rosdistro foxy -y

  • To build workspace you can use the command colcon build, some useful arguments for colcon build:

    • --packages-up-to builds the package you want, plus all its dependencies, but not the whole workspace (saves time)
    • --symlink-install saves you from having to rebuild every time you tweak python scripts
    • --event-handlers console_direct+ shows console output while building (can otherwise be found in the log directory)
  • To create a new ROS2 package (C++ or Python) for development move to the src package and run
# CPP Package
ros2 pkg create --build-type ament_cmake --node-name <node_name> <package_name>

# Python Package
ros2 pkg create --build-type ament_python --node-name <node_name> <package_name>
  • rqt_topic Used to monitor topics and their values in a list
  • rqt_graph Draw the graph of connection between the currently active nodes and explore communication between them
  • rviz Visualize topics in 3D space.
  • Bags can be used to record data from topics that can be later replayed for off-line testing. Bags can be manipulated using the ros2 bag command. To
# Record a bag containing data from some topics into a file
ros2 bag record -o <bag_file_name> /turtle1/cmd_vel /turtle1/pose ...

# Check the content of a bag run the command
ros2 bag info <bag_file_name>

# Replay the content of some topics recorded into a bag file
 ros2 bag play <bag_file_name>
  • To play ROS 1 bags in ROS 2 you will need to first install ROS 1, and the ROS bag adapter plugin. The the bags can be run using the command.
ros2 bag play -s rosbag_v2 <path_to_bagfile>
Camera calibration

Ubuntu Based Linux Distros

  • When installing on ubuntu based distros it might be required to change the distro codename so that the lsb_release -cs command returns the correct ubuntu base distribution.
  • To change the output of the lsb_release command edit the /etc/os-release file. For ubuntu 20.04 the codename should be focal.
  • Edit the file to contain the value UBUNTU_CODENAME=focal.

Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)

  • Install WSL2 from the windows store or using the commands bellow, install Ubuntu 20.04 as the SO over the WSL overlay.
# Install WSL 2
Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux

# Enable WSL 2
dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:VirtualMachinePlatform /all /norestart

# Check WSL version
wsl.exe --set-default-version 2
wsl -l -v
  • Install a VcXsrv Windows X Server to be used as a X11 display server required to run GUI applications.
    • "Native opengl" unchecked
    • "Disable access control" checked
  • Create a shortcut for VcXSrv with the following parameters
"C:\Program Files\VcXsrv\vcxsrv.exe" :0 -ac -terminate -lesspointer -multiwindow -clipboard -wgl -dpi auto
  • To enable the access to the installed server add the display address to the .bashrc file
export DISPLAY="`grep nameserver /etc/resolv.conf | sed 's/nameserver //'`:0"
  • If you are using Visual Studio Code as and IDE you can configure for remote WSL development, allowing to debug code and interact with the WSL terminal.

  • If you require CUDA acceleration you can also install NVidia CUDA drivers for WSL2

  • If you get Clock skew detected. Your build may be incomplete. while compiling the code run the following commands or install the wsl-clock tool to automatically fix the clock drift problems.

sudo apt install ntpdate
sudo ntpdate