
A simple, powerful and cross-platform text editor

GPL-3.0 License



Thunderpad is a simple and lightweight text editor designed for general-purpose usage and casual programming.

Thunderpad is released with the GNU 3.0 license, you can read a copy of it here.


Note: The development state of Thunderpad is still not complete, do not expect anything great for the moment


  1. Install the Qt SDK from
  2. Download the source code and extract it with your favorite ZIP utility.
  3. Open the file with Qt Creator.
  4. Configure the project by selecting Windows as your target system.
  5. Select the "release" build option.
  6. Build and run Thunderpad by pressing CTRL + R.

Mac OS X

  1. Download Xcode from the App Store.
  2. Open Xcode and accept the license agreement.
  3. After you accept the license agreement, you can safely quit Xcode (CMD + Q).
  4. Install the Qt SDK from
  5. Download the source code and extract it with your favorite ZIP utility.
  6. Open the file with Qt Creator.
  7. Configure the project by selecting Mac OS X as your target system.
  8. Select the "release" build option.
  9. Build and run Thudnerpad by pressing CMD + R.
  10. To install, navigate to the directory where you extracted the source code and locate a folder similar to "build-thunderpad-Desktop_Qt_4_8_clang_64bit-Release" and copy the to your Applications folder.


  1. Run the following command to install the required packages for compiling (Debian-based distros only)

    sudo apt-get install build-essential libqt4-core libqt4-dev libqt4-gui qt4-dev-tools libssl-dev libqscintilla2-dev libqt4-webkit
  2. Download the source code of Thunderpad.

  3. Then, go to your downloads folder and unzip the current commit.

    cd ~/Downloads
    unzip -d thunderpad-master
    cd thunderpad-master
  4. Make a directory to build the software

    mkdir build
    cd build
  5. Compile the application (with Qt4 libraries)l

    qmake-qt4 ../ CONFIG+=release
    make -j4
  6. To run the application:

  7. To install Thunderpad, run the following:

    sudo make install

That's all! To run Thunderpad, you can type "thunderpad" (without quotes) in Terminal. You can also run Thunderpad from your application menu (Gnome) or Dash (Unity). If you run into issues, check the following section:

Troubleshooting for Linux

The application fails to compile OR the application is compiled successfully, but nothing happens when executed

  • Check that you have installed the packages required above. I have tested the application on Ubuntu 14.10 and gNewSense 3.1 (both are Debian based).

  • If you get errors saying "undefined reference to...", download the newest stable QScintilla release from here and compile and install it manually. Some distributions may require this step because their repositories have an outdated version of QScintilla.

Extracted from project README
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