
a sample, running se-resnext on TensorRT



  1. TensorRT 5.0 GA
  2. Tensorflow with GPU support
  3. PyCUDA
  4. Python3
  5. Cmake (>= 3.8)

Assume that the PB file is located at <path to this project>/data and named se-resnext.pb

Get UFF from Tensorflow protobuf

$ cd <path to this project>/data
$ python3 <path to uff-converter-tf>/ <your PB file> -p

For instance:

$ cd data
$ python3 /usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/uff/bin/ se-resnext.pb -p
# or
$ python3 /usr/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/uff/bin/ se-resnext.pb -p

You should get an UFF file which may be named se-resnext.uff in data folder

Verify TensorRT result in FP32 mod

Run Tensorflow

$ cd <path to this project>/verification
$ python3

Run TensorRT

$ cd <path to this project>/verification
$ python3

The results should be same.

Run performance benchmark

$ cd <path to this project>/data
$ <path to TensorRT>/trtexec --uff=<your UFF file> --output=softmax --uffInput=<input name>,3,224,224 --batch=<batch size>

For instance:

$ cd data
$ /usr/src/tensorrt/bin/trtexec --uff=se-resnext.uff --output=softmax --uffInput=tf_feed_image,3,224,224 --batch=32

Build TensorRT engine (C++)

$ mkdir <path to this project>/build
$ cd <path to this project>/build
$ cmake ..
$ make -j2

Run TensorRT engine

$ cd <path to this project>/build
# It is slow at first time because of generating TensorRT engine binary
$ ./trt_se_resnext
# The executable will use TensorRT engine binary at second time. It will be much faster in initialization
$ ./trt_se_resnext

Test environment

  1. CUDA 10
  2. cuDNN 7.3.1
  3. TensorRT 5.0 GA
  4. Tensorflow 18.11-py3 from NGC
  5. Ubuntu 16.04
  6. Cmake 3.8