

Project AIvengers/Pick-and-place for UR5


The content of the repository should be cloned into the source of catkin workspace:

mkdir -p ur5_pnp_ws/src
cd ur5_pnp_ws/src
git clone --recursive https://github.com/vfdev-5/ur5_pnp.git

Before compilation, install dependencies:

cd ur5_pnp_ws && rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y

and finally compile the workspace

cd ur5_pnp_ws && catkin_make


Robot initialization

Two options are possible:

  • simulation
  • real robot


source devel/setup.bash
sh src/ur5_pnp/run_simulation.sh

Real robot

Just run the script from the root of the workspace (build, devel, src):

sh src/ur5_pnp/run_robot.sh

which starts roscore and necessary nodes in separate xterm windows.

Play with robot

Multiple options are possible:

  • execute a program
  • use moveit commander

Execute a program

Main demo program can be executed with

source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch move_group_ur5 demo_gqcnn_pick_and_drop_single_object.launch

This demo requires berkeley_automation module properly installed.

There are other demo programs can be found at move_group_ur5/programs.

Moveit commander

Simply run the script

sh run_commander.sh

Next in the command line type:

> use manipulator
> current
> help