
Assorted VCV Rack modules

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Vitamin Modules

Assorted modules for VCV Rack.

Vitamin B (Effect Bypass)

Channel effect bypass. When channel is enabled, connects input to send and return to output. When disabled, connects input directly to output and zeroes send.

Features two mono lines, two stereo lines, and a single mono-to-stereo line. The mono-to-stereo line performs a constant power center pan to the outputs when bypassing, to maintain constant apparent volume.

Vitamin P (Pan)

Pan a polyphonic mono input using constant power law to maintain overall volume.

CV is also polyphonic. It's voltages are summed with the knob value, so for full range of control either:

  • set the knob to left position with a unipolar input 0V to 10V.
  • set the knob to middle position with a bipolar input -5V to 5V.


export RACK_DIR=../path/to/Rack-SDK
ruby create_module.rb Pan # Update CPP from SVG. Better than
# WARNING: Bypass module diverged from generated during V2 upgrade.
make && make install

Font is lakmus.