
Comparing the performance of Wave Digital Filter implementations


WDF Bakeoff

Comparing performance between Wave Digital Filters implemented in C++ and Faust.


First clone the repository and submodules:

git clone https://github.com/jatinchowdhury18/wdf-bakeoff
cd wdf-bakeoff
git submodule update --init --recursive

Next, build with CMake:

cmake -Bbuild
cmake --build build --config Release

Finally, run the tool:

./build/wdf-bakeoff --help


The table below shows the time taken to process 100 seconds of audio at 192 kHz sample rate, as well as the "real-time" ratio (seconds of audio per second of processing time). The C++ columns are for the C++ implementation using tempaltes, while the C++ poly measurements are for the C++ implementation with run-time polymorphism.

Circuit Faust (time) Faust (ratio) C++ (time) C++ (ratio) C++ poly (time) C++ poly (ratio)
LPF 0.47 211.5 0.21 470.7 0.81 123.3
FF2 1.05 94.9 1.56 64.3 3.07 32.6
Diode Clipper 3.60 27.8 0.47 214.2 0.62 160.7