
A place to store snippets of wxWidgets code


About this repository

It is a place where I'll put snippets of codes related to wxWidgets.

Each of them is placed in its own subfolder, and should also contain all the needed for a buildable test application.

They are available for C++, and for Python (Python 3 required). Please note that not all snippets are actually tranlated in Python (this is a work in progress)

Each subfolder contains also a README file with a description of the snippet.

Binaries versions of C++ code

Available for both 32 and 64 bits on this site

Building the snippets (C++ version)

Building the snippets can be done using the provided Makefile.

It should work under Windows (MinGW only), Linux and Mac OS-X.

Under Windows, you must have a copy of the wx-config executable in your path. By default, il will search for the wxWidgets libs in C:\wx32, and in the gcc_dll\mswu lib subfolder.

You can override this using the command line. For example : mingw32-make WXWIN=C:\wx31 WXCFG=gcc_lib\mswu

You can also set these variables as environment ones so you won't have to specify them each time : in this case you'll just have to call mingw32-make.

To build all the snippets, just run the Makefile "as-is".

To build one of the snippets, use the name of the snippets sub-folder as build target. For example : make TestApp (or under Windows mingw32-make WXWIN=C:\wx31 WXCFG=gcc_lib\mswu TestApp)

Each build result (executable file or app bundle under OS-X) will be placed in a bin subfolder into the snippet's one.

Running a snippet

For the C++ version, you'll have to first build it (see previous section). As it is said just above, the corresponding executable is placed in a bin subfolder of the snippet's one.

For the Python version, you'll find it in a Python subfolder of the snippet's one. Just run the Main.py file to see it in action.

Snippets availables

  • Cpp Py AboutBoxDlg: A home made about box
  • Cpp Py AboutBoxWx: A wxWidgets provided standard about box
  • Cpp No AddRemoveCtrl: A small example on how to use wxAddRemoveCtrl (needs wxWidgets-3.1.0)
  • Cpp Py AutoComplete: A small example on how to use autocompletion with wxWidgets textboxes
  • Cpp Py DropTarget: A simple method to receive file(s) or directory(ies) dropped from the OS's file manager
  • Cpp Py FileType: How to use the wxFileType class to obtain informations about a type of file(e)
  • Cpp No Guid: A small cross-platform (Windows, Linux and Max) Guid class
  • Cpp Py Internat1: A first method to use wxWidgets I18N system
  • Cpp No Ipc (Interprocess Communication): How to give the focus to an already running instance of an application
  • Cpp Py NotifMsg: How to show a notification message on the desktop
  • Cpp Py PwdProtect: Password protected access to an application
  • Cpp Py StdPaths: An application to show each values that can be returned by wxStandardPaths
  • Cpp Py SettingsManager: wxWidgets singleton class to manage an application's settings
  • Cpp Py TestApp: A simple wxWidgets application to quickly make tests

Other things shown by these snippets

  • Single instance checker (SettingsManager snippet): It prevents the user from launching more than one instance of the application (this feature can be enabled or disabled using the settings dialog box)
  • Datas file compression (SettingsManager snippet): It allows to compress a file during its creation process so it can't be edited by a simple text editor
  • Embedding images (or any other binary file) into the application (PwdProtect snippet): It allows binary files such as images or other things to be integrated into the application without providing the file itself
  • Splitting a wxString into a wxArrayString using wxStringTokenize (DropTarget snippet)


Snippets to store here :

  • More I18n methods
  • Splash screen
  • ...