
Convert between json string and c++ object. json字符串和c++结构体之间互相转换



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  • Used to convert between C++ objects and json/xml/json/libconfig
  • json/xml is header file only, no need to compile librarys
  • json is enabled by default, others need to modify config.h
  • The following example uses json as an example. Others can refer to api of x2struct::X in x2struct.hpp

Basic usage

#include <iostream>
#include "x2struct/x2struct.hpp" // include this header file

using namespace std;

struct User {
    int64_t id;
    string  name;
    string  mail;
    User(int64_t i=0, const string& n="", const string& m=""):id(i),name(n),mail(m){}
    XTOSTRUCT(O(id, name, mail)); // add XTOSTRUCT at the end of struct/class

struct Group {
    string  name;
    int64_t master;
    vector<User> members;
    XTOSTRUCT(O(name, master, members)); //  add XTOSTRUCT at the end of struct/class

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    Group g;
    g.name = "C++";
    g.master = 2019;
    g.members[0] = User(1, "Jack", "[email protected]");
    g.members[1] = User(2, "Pony", "[email protected]");

    string json = x2struct::X::tojson(g);  // C++ object to json

    Group n;
    x2struct::X::loadjson(json, n, false); // json to C++ object

    vector<int> vi;
    x2struct::X::loadjson("[1,2,3]", vi, false); // load vector directory

    map<int, int> m;
    x2struct::X::loadjson("{\"1\":10, \"2\":20}", m, false); // load map directory

    return 0;
  • include "x2struct.hpp"
  • add XTOSTRUCT at the end of struct, put all the variables inside "O"
  • use x2struct::X::tojson to convert C++ object to json
  • use x2struct::X::loadjson to load json to C++ object


  • for json to C++ object
  • use M to include those mandatory variables
  • if mandatory field miss in json, an exception will throw
#include <iostream>
#include "x2struct/x2struct.hpp"

using namespace std;

struct Test {
    int64_t id;
    string  name;
    XTOSTRUCT(M(id), O(name)); // "id" is mandatory and "name" is optional

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    Test t;
    string json="{\"name\":\"Pony\"}";

    x2struct::X::loadjson(json, t, false); // will throw exception(id is mandatory and no "id" in json)
    return 0;


  • used for scenes where the variable name and json key name are inconsistent
  • use A to include alias variable. "A" take two parameters, 1st is variable, 2nd is tag-field
  • tag format is "[type:]alias[,extension]", Tag-field can contain multiple tags, separated by spaces
  • type is one of "json"/"xml"/"bson"/"config", no type field in tag means this tag is applied to all type
    • for example, "tid" means use tid as alias for all type
    • "tid json:xid" means json use "xid" as alias and other types use "tid"
  • extension only support "m" now, means mandatory(A like O, optional)
  • if no alias in json, loadjson will also try variable name
  • tojson use alias
#include <iostream>
#include "x2struct/x2struct.hpp"

using namespace std;

struct Test {
    int64_t uid;
    string  name;
    XTOSTRUCT(A(uid, "id"), O(name)); // "uid" use alias "id"

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    Test t;
    string json="{\"id\":123, \"name\":\"Pony\"}";

    x2struct::X::loadjson(json, t, false); 
    return 0;


  • use I to include parents classs
#include <iostream>
#include "x2struct/x2struct.hpp"

using namespace std;

struct P1 {
    string mail;

struct P2 {
    int64_t version;

struct Test:public P1, public P2 {
    int64_t uid;
    string  name;
    XTOSTRUCT(I(P1, P2), O(uid, name)); 

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    Test t;
    string json="{\"mail\":\"[email protected]\", \"version\":2019, \"id\":123, \"name\":\"Pony\"}";

    x2struct::X::loadjson(json, t, false);
    return 0;

Bit field

  • use B to include those bit field variables
#include <iostream>
#include "x2struct/x2struct.hpp"

using namespace std;

struct Test {
    int16_t ver:8;
    int16_t len:8;
    string  name;
    XTOSTRUCT(B(ver, len), O(name)); 

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    Test t;
    string json="{\"ver\":4, \"len\":20, \"name\":\"IPv4\"}";

    x2struct::X::loadjson(json, t, false);
    return 0;

Load conditional

  • load at most one object from an array of objects
  • use C to include those conditional variables at the beginning of XTOSTRUCT
  • conditional variables still need included in one of O,A or M
#include <iostream>
#include "x2struct/x2struct.hpp"

using namespace std;

struct Task {
    int id;
    string name;
    XTOSTRUCT(O(id, name));

struct Test {
    int  tid;
    Task task;
    XTOSTRUCT(C(task), O(tid, task)); // task included in C and O, C must at beginning of XTOSTRUCT
     XTOSTRUCT_CONDITION take two parameters, 1st is class name, 2nd is variable name
     XTOSTRUCT_CONDITION defined a function take one parameter named "obj", pointer to xdoc of variable
     "task" in json is array, load conditional only load the one that this functin return true
        int id;
        // only load the one that Task.id is equal to Test.tid
        return obj.convert("id", id)&&id==this->tid;

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    string s = "{\"tid\":2019,\"task\":[{\"id\":2018,\"name\":\"hello\"},{\"id\":2019,\"name\":\"world\"}]}";
    Test t;
    x2struct::X::loadjson(s, t, false);

char array

modify config.h to enable XTOSTRUCT_SUPPORT_CHAR_ARRAY

check exist

  • to check if field exist after load json to C++ object
  • use xhas to check if field exist
#include <iostream>
#include "x2struct/x2struct.hpp"

using namespace std;

struct Test {
    int64_t id;
    string  name;
    XTOSTRUCT(O(id, name));

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    Test t;
    string json="{\"name\":\"Pony\"}";

    x2struct::X::loadjson(json, t, false, true); // 4th parameter apply true
    cout<<t.xhas("id")<<endl;       // use xhas to check exist
    return 0;

local class

  • XTOSTRUCT will add some template function, and local class could not define template function
  • use XTOSTRUCT_NT(types) instead of XTOSTRUCT, types support Json/Xml/Bson/Config
  • need C++11 support
  • not support load conditional now
// nt.cpp
// g++ -o t nt.cpp -std=c++11
#include <iostream>
#include "x2struct/x2struct.hpp"

using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    struct Test {
        int64_t id;
        string  name;
        XTOSTRUCT_NT(Json)(O(id, name));

    Test t;
    string json="{\"id\":123, \"name\":\"Pony\"}";

    x2struct::X::loadjson(json, t, false);
    return 0;

customize type

  • customize type is string
  • need implement:
    • std::string format() const; use to format data to string
    • void parse(const std::string&); use to load string to data
  • typedef XType to define customize type
  • following is an IPv4 example
#include <iostream>
#include "x2struct/x2struct.hpp"

using namespace std;

// just example, no error handle
struct _XIPv4 {
    uint32_t ip;
    std::string format() const {
        char buf[64];
        int  len = sprintf(buf, "%u.%u.%u.%u", ip>>24, 0xff&(ip>>16), 0xff&(ip>>8), 0xff&ip);
        return string(buf, len);
    void parse(const std::string& d) {
        uint32_t u[4];
        sscanf(d.c_str(), "%u.%u.%u.%u", &u[0], &u[1], &u[2], &u[3]);
        ip = (u[0]<<24)+(u[1]<<16)+(u[2]<<8)+u[3];

typedef x2struct::XType<_XIPv4> XIPv4;

struct Test {
    XIPv4 ip;
    XIPv4 mask;
    XTOSTRUCT(O(ip, mask));

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    Test t;
    string json="{\"ip\":\"\", \"mask\":\"\"}";

    x2struct::X::loadjson(json, t, false);
    return 0;

Format indent

  • last two parameters of tojson control format indent

Qt support

  • modify config.h to enable macro XTOSTRUCT_QT
  • support QString/QList/QMap/QVector now

thirdparty class

  • need c++11 support
  • use XTOSTRUCT_OUT instead of XTOSTRUCT
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <iostream>
#include "x2struct/x2struct.hpp"

using namespace std;

struct timeval {
    time_t      tv_sec;
    suseconds_t tv_usec;

// timeval is thirdparty struct
XTOSTRUCT_OUT(timeval, O(tv_sec, tv_usec));

struct T {
    int  a;
    string b;
    timeval t;
    XTOSTRUCT(O(a, b, t));

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    T t;
    T r;
    t.a = 123;
    t.b = "x2struct";
    t.t.tv_sec = 888;
    t.t.tv_usec = 999;
    string s = x2struct::X::tojson(t);
    x2struct::X::loadjson(s, r, false);
    return 0;

xml bson libconfig

  • need to modify config.h to enable
  • not support load vector map directory
  • xml/libconfig not permit use digit as key, so if want to use map<int, xxx>, key need add 'x', e.g. x100
  • mongoxclient(https://github.com/xyz347/mongoxclient) is a wrapper of mongo-cxx-driver use bson

Generate Golang struct

  • use to generate Golang struct define by C++ struct
  • need to define macro XTOSTRUCT_GOCODE
// go.cpp
// g++ -o t go.cpp -DXTOSTRUCT_GOCODE
#include <iostream>
#include "x2struct/x2struct.hpp"

using namespace std;

struct Test {
    int64_t id;
    vector<string>  names;
    XTOSTRUCT(O(id, names));

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    Test t;

    cout<<x2struct::X::togocode(t, true, true, true)<<endl; // last 3 parameter to generate (json/bson/xml) tags
    return 0;

output is:

type Test struct {
        Id      int64       `json:"id" bson:"id" xml:"id"`
        Names   []string    `json:"names" bson:"names" xml:"names"`


  • Encode/decode json is use rapidjson
  • Decode xml is use rapidxml
  • Decode bson is use libbson
  • Decode libconfig is use libconfig
  • Encode of xml/bson is written by myself. Without reference to the RFC, there may be cases where the standard is not met.
  • The library of bson/libconfig is precompiled. The environment is: Ubuntu12.04 g++4.9.2. Other environments may need to download the code and recompile if you need to use these two libraries.
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