
xtensor plugin to read and write images, audio files, numpy (compressed) npz and HDF5

BSD-3-CLAUSE License



Reading and writing image, sound and npz file formats to and from xtensor data structures. Try it live in the browser!


xtensor-io offers an API to read and write various file formats into xtensor data structures:

  • images,
  • audio files,
  • NumPy's compressed storage format (NPZ),
  • HDF5 files,
  • Blosc.

xtensor-io wraps the OpenImageIO, libsndfile, zlib, HighFive, and blosc libraries.


xtensor-io is a header-only library. We provide a package for the mamba (or conda) package manager.

mamba install xtensor-io -c conda-forge
  • xtensor-io depends on xtensor ^0.25.0.

  • OpenImageIO, libsndfile, zlib, HighFive, and blosc are optional dependencies to xtensor-io

    • OpenImageIO is required to read and write image files.
    • libsndfile is required to read and write sound files.
    • zlib is required to load NPZ files.
    • HighFive (and the HDF5 library) is required to read and write HDF5 files.
    • blosc is required to read and write Blosc files.

All five libraries are available for the conda package manager.

You can also install xtensor-io from source:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install

Trying it online

To try out xtensor-io interactively in your web browser, just click on the binder link:


To get started with using xtensor-io, check out the full documentation



// loads png image into xarray with shape HEIGHT x WIDTH x CHANNELS
auto img_arr = xt::load_image("test.png");

// write xarray out to JPEG image
xt::dump_image("dumptest.jpg", img_arr + 5);

// load npz file containing multiple arrays
auto npy_map = xt::load_npz("test.npz");

auto arr_0 = npy_map["arr_0"].cast<double>();
auto arr_1 = npy_map["arr_1"].cast<unsigned long>();

// open a wav file
auto audio = xt::load_audio("files/xtensor.wav");
auto& audio_arr = std::get<1>(audio); // audio contents (like scipy.io.wavfile results)

// save a sine wave sound
int freq = 2000;
int sampling_freq = 44100;
double duration = 1.0;

auto t = xt::arange(0.0, duration, 1.0 / sampling_freq);
auto y = xt::sin(2.0 * xt::numeric_constants<double>::PI * freq * t);

xt::dump_audio("files/sine.wav", y, sampling_freq);


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This software is licensed under the BSD-3-Clause license. See the LICENSE file for details.