
MIT License



An arduino library for interacting with YouTube live streams.

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I have put a lot of effort into creating Arduino libraries that I hope people can make use of. If you enjoy my work, please consider becoming a Github sponsor!

Library Features:

The Library supports the following features:

  • Checking if a channel is live - Example
  • Check how many viewers a stream has - Example
  • Retrieve live stream messages (Realistically ESP32 only) - Example
  • Retrieve super-chats and super-stickers (Realistically ESP32 only) - Example

Setup Instructions


Download zip from Github and install to the Arduino IDE using that.


  • V6 of Arduino JSON - can be installed through the Arduino Library manager.

API Keys

All calls other than scrapeIsChannelLive require a valid API Key from Google. These are free, but have a quota of 10k per day. Different requests use up different amounts of the quota (details listed in the API Endpoints Details table below)

Instructions to get an API key

  • Go to the Google developer dashboard and create a new project.
  • Go to the the Google API library, find the "YouTube Data API v3", and "Enable" it for your project.
  • In the "API & Services" menu, go to "Credentials", click "Create Credentials" and create a new API key.
  • (Optional) You can limit this API key to only work with the YouTube API
    • Click on the API key
    • Under "API restrictions" select "Restrict Key"
    • Check the "YouTube Data API v3"
  • Make sure the following URL works for you in your browser (change the key at the end!):

Note: For the above URLs, you may need to select the correct project, there is a drop down on the top left.

Multiple API Keys

An API key can actively monitor live chat constantly for just over 2 hours, seeing as this isn't that long, this library supports using multiple API keys to spread out the quota (2 keys should get over 4 hours, 3 keys -> 6 hours etc). To create multiple keys, repeat the steps above, including creating a new project each time.

To use multiple API keys, use the following code. Add as many API keys as needed to the array, just make sure NUM_API_KEYS matches. The Library will automatically rotate the keys each request.

//#define NUM_API_KEYS 2

YouTubeLiveStream ytVideo(client, keys, NUM_API_KEYS);

Library Usage

See examples for more context on how to use these methods.

Initializing the library

Note: API key is not needed for scrapeIsChannelLive so you can pass in NULL for the API key if you only want to use that


// Or you can pass in an array of keys, 2 keys gives 4 hours, 3 == 6 etc (See Github readme for info)

//#define NUM_API_KEYS 2

WiFiClientSecure client; // Any client that supports HTTPS

YouTubeLiveStream ytVideo(client, keys, NUM_API_KEYS);
YouTubeLiveStream ytVideo(client, YT_API_TOKEN);

Check if a channel is Live / get video id

bool scrapeIsChannelLive(const char *channelId, char *videoIdOut = NULL, int videoIdOutSize = 0);

This scrapes the channel's YouTube page to check if the channel is live. videoIdOut will be updated with the video ID of the stream if the channel is live, but is optional.


#define CHANNEL_ID "UCSJ4gkVC6NrvII8umztf0Ow" //Lo-fi beats (basically always live)
bool haveVideoId = false;

void getVideoId() {
  // This is the official way to get the videoID, but it
  // uses too much of your daily quota.
  //haveVideoId = ytVideo.getLiveVideoId(CHANNEL_ID, videoId, YOUTUBE_VIDEO_ID_LENGTH);

  haveVideoId = ytVideo.scrapeIsChannelLive(CHANNEL_ID, videoId, YOUTUBE_VIDEO_ID_LENGTH);
  if (haveVideoId) {
    Serial.println("Channel is live");
    Serial.print("Video ID: ");
  } else {
    Serial.println("Channel does not seem to be live");

Get Live Stream Details

LiveStreamDetails getLiveStreamDetails(const char *videoId);

struct LiveStreamDetails
    char *concurrentViewers;
    char *activeLiveChatId;
    bool isLive;
    bool error;

This returns details about the live Stream


#define CHANNEL_ID "UCSJ4gkVC6NrvII8umztf0Ow" //Lo-fi beats (basically always live)
char videoId[YOUTUBE_VIDEO_ID_LENGTH]; // Update using "scrapeChannelIsLive"
bool haveLiveChatId = false;
LiveStreamDetails details;

// This gets the Live Chat ID of a live stream on a given Video ID.
// This is needed to get chat messages.
void getLiveChatId() {
  haveLiveChatId = false;

  details = ytVideo.getLiveStreamDetails(videoId);
  if (!details.error) {
    if (details.isLive) {
      Serial.print("Chat Id: ");
      strncpy(liveChatId, details.activeLiveChatId, sizeof(liveChatId));
      liveChatId[sizeof(liveChatId) - 1] = '\0'; // Ensure we have a '\0' terminator
      haveLiveChatId = true;
    } else {
      Serial.println("Video does not seem to be live");
      haveVideoId = false;
  } else {
    Serial.println("Error getting Live Stream Details");

Get Chat Messages (including super chats/stickers)

ChatResponses getChatMessages(processChatMessage chatMessageCallback, const char *liveChatId, bool reverse = false, const char *part = "id,snippet,authorDetails");

// Gets returned from getChatMessages
struct ChatResponses
    int totalResults;
    int resultsPerPage;
    long pollingIntervalMillis;
    int numMessages;
    bool isStillLive;
    bool error;

// Is returned as a parameter of the callback message
struct ChatMessage
    YoutubeMessageType type;
    const char *displayMessage;
    const char *displayName;
    int tier; // Only applies to super chat/sticker
    long amountMicros; // Only applies to super chat/sticker
    const char *currency; // Only applies to super chat/sticker
    bool isChatModerator;
    bool isChatOwner;
    bool isChatSponsor;
    bool isVerified;

enum YoutubeMessageType

This gets all the chat messages and super chats/stickers. Takes a callback as the first parameter. By default it will return the messages from oldest to newest, but can be reversed using the reverse flag.

Callback example

bool processMessage(ChatMessage chatMessage, int index, int numMessages) {
  switch (chatMessage.type)
    case yt_message_type_text:
      //Do something with message
    case yt_message_type_superChat:
    case yt_message_type_superSticker:
      // Do something with super chat or sticker
      Serial.print("Unknown Message Type: ");

  // return false from this method if you want to
  // stop parsing more messages.
  return true;

void loop() {
  // Do stuff ....
  ChatResponses responses = ytVideo.getChatMessages(processMessage, liveChatId, true); //true reverses the messages, so most recent comes first.
    if (!responses.error) {
      Serial.print("Polling interval: ");

      requestDueTime = millis() + responses.pollingIntervalMillis + 500;
    } else if (!responses.isStillLive) {
      //Stream is not live any more.
      haveLiveChatId = false;
      haveVideoId = false;
      requestDueTime = millis() + delayBetweenRequests;
    } else {
      Serial.println("There was an error getting Messages");
      requestDueTime = millis() + delayBetweenRequests;

Additional Information

API Endpoints Details

Endpoint Name Description Documentation Quota (10k per day)
liveChatMessages Gets live stream messages and super-chats Link 5 (I think, not listed)
Videos Uses video ID to get "activeLiveChatId" (also viewer count) Link 1
Search Can be used to get live stream video ID (but don't) Link 100 (!!!!?)

Scraping Endpoints

Ideally you would never need to scrape a webpage as it can be pretty fragile if any changes are made. But the "search" endpoint quota cost is just not practical so I guess needs must

Page Description How?
Main Channel page Checking if the channel is live and extracting the video ID Basically searching for the existence of the "55 watching" element on the live-stream