
APACHE-2.0 License



ZirconSIM (also just Zircon) is a RISC-V ISA simulator designed to support rapid software development. Zircon can load ELF64 RISC-V executables compiled for a variety of platforms and run them with reasonable efficiency. Zircon was created with developers in mind and supports a large number of operations to improve the debugging of RISC-V code. This supports software development in the vacuum of available hardware for RISC-V, as well as providing inspection that would not be available on hardware.


Building Zircon requires a C++17 toolchain on x86-64 Linux. No other build platforms are currently supported. Zircon requires no external libraries besides a C++ toolchain.

Building the tests requires a RISC-V toolchain. The primary supported toolchain is the riscv-gnu-toolchain. This provides baremetal and Linux support for building RISC-V ELF64 binaries. Scripts are provided to build this automatically.


To build the native command line tool, the default Makefile will build everything required.


This will put the built binary in ./build/bin/zircon.

Debug builds can be automatically built.

make DEBUG=1

It is recommended to build to a different directory than the default, this can be done as follows

make DEBUG=1 BUILD=build-debug

The binary will now be outputted to ./build-debug/bin/zircon.

If making changes to Zircon, we currently recommend you build with make -B, as changes to certain headers and .inc files will not trigger the correct rebuilds. This is an open bug and will be fixed in the future.


To build for the web, specify WASM=1 in the make command. It is also recommend to do this in a separate build folder.

make WASM=1 BUILD=build-wasm

The resulting site is outputted to ./build-wasm/zircon-site. A sample HTTP server can be run as follows.

(cd build-wasm/zircon-site/ && python3 -m http.server)

This uses Emscripten and requires em++ to be on the PATH. See the Emscripten installation directions.


To run a program (or the test suite), you need to build the source code for RISC-V. The easiest way to do this is to build and install a RISC-V toolchain. There are a number of ways to do this. If you are just interested in trying out Zircon and haven't done this before, the easiest way is to clone the gcc toolchain with $ git clone --recursive https://github.com/riscv/riscv-gnu-toolchain and use Zircon's helper scripts to build it.

If you have cloned it into the Zircon home directory with the above command, you can build a toolchain from the Zircon home directory directory as ./scripts/build-toolchain.sh riscv-gnu-toolchain elf. This will build the baremetal toolchain into toolchains/rv64ima. Other toolchains are available, see the build script (or use ./scripts/build-all-toolchains.sh to build them all).

If you are comfortable with creating cross compiling toolchains for RISC-V you can use your own. Note that Zircon currently only supports RV64IMA with lp64 ABI.

Note: support for the A ISA extension is limited.

Successfully built executables can be ran as ./build/bin/zircon path/to/executable. If you want to try out some of the testing programs, they can be built automatically using the ./scripts/build-test.sh or ./scripts/build-all-tests.sh scripts.

A test suite is in development, once it is more fully developed documentation will be added on how to run it.