ANSI escape codes for manipulating the terminal.

MIT License

4 CI

ANSI escape codes for manipulating the terminal.

A copycat of ansi-escapes for javascript by @sindresorhus. Thank you!


Add this to your application's shard.yml:

    github: gtramontina/


require "ansi-escapes"

# move the cursor two rows up and to the left
puts "#{AnsiEscapes::Cursor.up(2)}#{AnsiEscapes::Cursor::LEFT}HI!" # => "\u001b[2A\u001b[1000DHI!"

You might want to include AnsiEscapes so your code reads a little better:

require "ansi-escapes"
include AnsiEscapes

# move the cursor two rows up and to the left
puts "#{Cursor.up(2)}#{Cursor::LEFT}HI!" # => "\u001b[2A\u001b[1000DHI!"


  • AnsiEscapes::ESC: The escape string.
  • AnsiEscapes::BEEP: Output a beeping sound.
  • AnsiEscapes::Cursor::LEFT: Move cursor to the left side.
  • AnsiEscapes::Cursor::SAVE_POSITION: Save cursor position.
  • AnsiEscapes::Cursor::RESTORE_POSITION: Restore saved cursor position.
  • AnsiEscapes::Cursor::GET_POSITION: Get cursor position.
  • AnsiEscapes::Cursor::NEXT_LINE: Move cursor to the next line.
  • AnsiEscapes::Cursor::PREVIOUS_LINE: Move cursor to the previous line.
  • AnsiEscapes::Cursor::HIDE: Hide cursor.
  • AnsiEscapes::Cursor::SHOW: Show cursor.
  • AnsiEscapes::Cursor.home: Move the cursor to the home position at the upper-left corner of the screen (x0 y0).
  • : Int32): Absolutely set cursor column.
  • : Int32, y : Int32): Absolutely set cursor column and row.
  • AnsiEscapes::Cursor.up(count = 1): Move cursor up a specific amount of rows.
  • AnsiEscapes::Cursor.down(count = 1): Move cursor down a specific amount of rows.
  • AnsiEscapes::Cursor.forward(count = 1): Move cursor forward a specific amount of columns.
  • AnsiEscapes::Cursor.backward(count = 1): Move cursor backward a specific amount of columns.
  • AnsiEscapes::Cursor.move(x : Int32, y : Int32): Set the position of the cursor relative to its current position.
  • AnsiEscapes::Erase::END_LINE: Erase from the current cursor position to the end of the current line.
  • AnsiEscapes::Erase::START_LINE: Erase from the current cursor position to the start of the current line.
  • AnsiEscapes::Erase::LINE: Erase the entire current line.
  • AnsiEscapes::Erase::DOWN: Erase the screen from the current line down to the bottom of the screen.
  • AnsiEscapes::Erase::UP: Erase the screen from the current line up to the top of the screen.
  • AnsiEscapes::Erase.lines(count : Int32): Erase from the current cursor position up the specified amount of rows.
  • AnsiEscapes::Erase::SCREEN: Erase the screen and move the cursor home.
  • AnsiEscapes::Screen::UP: Scroll display up one line.
  • AnsiEscapes::Screen::DOWN: Scroll display down one line.


  1. Fork it ( )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request