
Simple example of HTTP server made using Crystal.

MIT License



Simple example of HTTP server made using Crystal.

How it works

This server allows GET requests in the following format:

  GET /raw/html/filename-without-extension
  GET /raw/js/filename-without-extension
  GET /raw/css/filename-without-extension
  GET /raw/bin/filename-with-extension

Files must be stored under the store/raw subfolders (html|js|css|bin) with their own extension, but they can be requested without expliciting it as long as they are not binary files (in this case, always add the extension). (Also, see: URL shorcuts)

Yes, it can handle concurrent requests.

URL shortcuts

The following conversion matrix is now available to access resources using a shorter URL:

  GET /html-filename-without-extension -> /raw/html/html-filename-without-extension
  GET /filename.js -> /raw/js/filename-without-extension
  GET /filename.css -> /raw/css/filename-without-extension
  GET /filename.jpg -> /raw/bin/filename-with-extension


Every request is cached permanently in memory, that means each file content will reside in memory as long as the process is running.

To force a cache cleanup without killing the process send a kill -SIGHUP pid.


Run crystal-server and go to http://localhost:8081/raw/html/test (or http://localhost:8081/test)


Better caching and much more.

Licence: MIT