
.NET AI Demo

MIT License


.NET AI Demo with Semantic Kernel

This demo was code was showing in my video Build your first AI Chat Bot with OPenAI and .NET in Minute. This demo was created by the wonderful Stephen Toub and was used with his permission to remix it into videos and sample code for user group presentations.

A full Script is available that walks through that demo and a deeper demo showing Tokenization, Vector Databases, and deeper integration with Semantic Kernel.

For deeper dives into .NET and AI see:


  1. Create a developer account on OpenAI and enable GPT-4 access (you may need to deposit $5)
  2. Create a developer key and update MvpWebApp/appsettings.json
  3. Open in Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code and enable multi project deployment to run both apps at the same time
  4. The backend will run and a console window will be where we do our entry to call the API