
Animal Crossing Island Tracking Mobile App

MIT License


Island Tracker for Animal Crossing

Animal Crossing Turnip Tracking Mobile App Island Tracker is the ultimate Animal Crossing New Horizons app to help you get the most out of your turnips by getting daily predictions and sharing your prices with friends.

-> Get predictions and trends so you know when to sell -> Share turnip prices with up to 10 friends -> Easiest way to share switch friend codes! -> Ensure you always get the most $ for your turnips -> Helpful turnip calculators

Island Tracker is here so you never have to mass text message your friends again asking them for their turnip prices. Create your friend list, share turnip prices, get rewarded in Animal Crossing!

Built with Xamarin.Forms, Azure Functions, and Azure Table Storage!

Available today

Build Status

  • Android - Build status
  • iOS - Build status

Built with

Custom fonts

Custom Artwork

Made possible by

The hard work of Mike Bryant for porting over Ninji's work into a JS library and creating Turnip Prophet.

Predictions not possible without the hard work from sparkie108 who ported tons of code to C#!