
Simple tool to add a Let's Encrypt SSL certificate to your websites.



Simple tool to add a Let's Encrypt SSL certificate to your websites. This application is a .NET Core tool that generates an SSL certificate, validates it with LetsEncrypt and publishes it on an Azure Web App.

The detailled steps to create a SSL certificate and validate it with the Lets Encrypt Certificate Authority are described in my blog : This tool automates these steps.

How to use AzureLetsEncrypt ?

Generate a certificate manually

2 minutes of a live demo:

Use the NuGet .NET Tool: The procedure steps are here.

Publish automatically to Azure

  1. Download the last release of AzureLetsEncrypt

  2. Edit the AppSettings.json file with your personnal information:

        "azure": {
            "clientId": "[clientId]",
            "clientSecret": "[clientSecret]",
            "tenantId": "[tenantId]",
            "webAppResourceId": "[ResourceID]",
            "resourceGroup": "[ResourceGroup]"
        "certificate": {
            "domains": [
            "password": "MyP@ssword",
    • clientId, clientSecret, tenantId: To get these Ids, open a Cloud shell in Azure portal and run this command

      az ad sp create-for-rbac --sdk-auth

      You can also install Azure CLI on your PC, and execute az login and az ad sp create-for-rbac --sdk-auth.

    • resourceId, resourceGroup: in Azure portal, go to App Services > [Web App] > Properties > Resource ID and Resource Group.

    • domains: write all domains to include in the Pfx certificate. Your domains must be accessible (ex. must return a web content).

    • password: define a secret password to protect the generated Pfx. Keep in mind this password to install the pfx file later.

  3. Save and include the new AppSettings.json file in the release ZIP package.

  4. Go to Azure portal, navigate to your Web App Service, and select the WebJobs section.

    • Add a new WebJob
    • Define a job name (ex. RenewSsl)
    • Select your local ZIP file name, adapted with your AppSettings.json
    • Define the job type as Triggered
      • Trigger type : Scheduled
      • CRON Expression: 0 0 3 1 * * Each first day of month, at 3AM
    • Save this new Job. You can Run this job for the first time to validate it. Go to the SSL settings section to check you new SSL certificate.