
A basic OAuth 2.0 server but one that stores tokens persistently.

OTHER License


Basic OAuth 2.0 server on ASP.NET MVC that stores its tokens in a persistent store


Creating an OAuth 2.0 server is hard. Luckily, the DotNetOpenAuth (DNOA) library takes away a lot of the pain. But still it is quite hard to implement an OAuth 2.0 server using DNOA. Therefore I have created a small ASP.NET MVC 4 website that uses DNOA to function as an OAuth 2.0 server. To be able to test this server, there is also a small console application that connects to the server and requests some tokens. The code has been sprinkled with comments to explain in detail what the application does and why.


The OAuth2Server project contains the implementation of the OAuth 2 server that will output the access tokens. The flow of a token request is as follows:

  1. The token request is made to "/tokens"
  2. The request is routed by ASP.NET MVC to the Index action of the TokensController
  3. The Index action uses the AuthorizationServer's HandleTokenRequest method to handle the token request
  4. When the HandleTokenRequest is called, a call is made to our AuthorizationServerHost class (which was provided as a parameter to AuthorizationServer's constructor)
  5. Depending on the type of token request, either CheckAuthorizeResourceOwnerCredentialGrant (for resource owner credentials grants) or CheckAuthorizeClientCredentialsGrant (for client credentials grants) is called
  6. In those methods we can check if the token request is valid. Our server verifies the request against the values that are stored in our database (which you can view by browsing to "/home/data").
  7. If everything is valid, the token is returned
  8. You can now use the retrieved token to access protected resources. To do this, you need to add the token to the header of the request to a protected resource. The header needs to look like this:

Authorization: bearer gAAAAA2SU9LxRK3z-i-xjMBnOHiwBE9.....

Where you need to fill in your actual access token. You can find the protected resources at "/resources/clients" (for client tokens) and "/resources/users" (for user tokens).


The data is stored in a SQL Server Compact database that is accessed with Entity Framework. The OAuth2ServerDbContext class keeps track of all the instances.


  1. Clone this project to your development machine
  2. Open the BasicOAuth2Server.Persisent.sln solution file
  3. Build the solution
  4. Run the OAuth2Server website
  5. Use the website's built in test client or run the OAuth2Client application


Apache License 2.0

Extracted from project README
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