
Simple easy .NET benchmarking for POCs

MIT License



Simple easy .NET benchmarking for little bits of code. When you just really want to see if one method is actually faster than another.


Run the following command in the Package Manager Console (NuGet).

PM> Install-Package Benchmark.It

Or clone and include BenchmarkIt.csproj directly


Lets say you wanted to see if string.Contains was faster or slower than string.IndexOf. Simply write the following and have it printed out nicely for you to see.

Benchmark.This("string.Contains", () => "abcdef".Contains("ef"))
    .Against.This("string.IndexOf", () => "abcdef".IndexOf("ef"))
Name    Iterations      Percent
Name                                    Iterations          Percent                       
string.Contains                         23117812            100%                          
string.IndexOf                          10852501            46.9%

Or you wanted to see if a for loop was actually faster than a foreach loop (it is).

var values = Enumerable.Range(1, 100000).ToArray();
Benchmark.This("for.Count", () =>
    for (int i = 0; i < values.Count(); i++)
        int x = values[i];
.Against.This("for.Length", () =>
    for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++) {
        int x = values[i];
.Against.This("foreach", () =>
    foreach (var x in values) ;
Name                                    Milliseconds        Percent                       
for.Count                               34305               920.8%                        
for.Length                              3725                100%                          
foreach                                 4341                116.5%

And why stop there, you can add as many different methods as you want.

Benchmark.This("empty 1", () => { })
 .Against.This("empty 2", () => { })
 .Against.This("empty 3", () => { })
 .Against.This("empty 4", () => { })
 .Against.This("empty 5", () => { })
 .Against.This("empty 6", () => { })

You can also just benchmark one method, and on top of that you can specify a number of warmpup loops to perform first.

Benchmark.This("string.Contains", () => "abcdef".Contains("ef"))


  • Improve result print, clean it up etc.
  • Investigate manually unrolling the benchmark loops a bit
  • Speed up time loop
  • Generate graphs?