
A handy tool to automate changelog processing in CI.

MIT License


ChangelogAutomation NuGet Package Status Aquana

When preparing a software release, a common task is to parse the changelog file, and extract the latest changes section from it. For certain purposes, Markdown format is acceptable, but in some cases a text format is also useful.

ChangelogAutomation is a tool for this exact purpose. It will extract the first second-level section from a Markdown file either in a text or in a Markdown format, and will print it to a file or to its stdout.

"Second-level section" is a section preceded by a level 2 header; any of these:

## Level 2 header
…some section content…

Also level 2 header
…some section content…


Since ChangelogAutomation is distributed as a self-contained .NET 6 application, it requires the .NET 6 dependencies (but not the .NET 6 runtime itself) to be available on the user machine to run. See more information on the dependencies for various operating systems:

Installation (console tool)

  1. Download the latest stable distribution binaries for your operating system from GitHub releases page.
  2. Unpack the archive, and run ChangelogAutomation (or ChangelogAutomation.exe) binary from it.


GitHub Actions

There's a separate repository with GitHub Action integration of this tool. Check out the documentation.

Console tool

This invocation will extract the first second-level section of the file, and write it to the output (either the standard one, or an optional output file):

$ ChangelogAutomation <path-to-input-file> [options…]

The available options are:

  • (-o|--outputFilePath) <output-file-path> (if not specified, then will print to stdout)
  • (-t|--contentType) (Markdown|PlainText): output content type


There's an MSBuild task package available. The package will automatically integrate with dotnet pack, and extract the latest changelog entry into the <releaseNotes> element in the .nuspec file.

Just add a package reference to ChangelogAutomation.MSBuild package, and the task will automatically be enabled. It will set the PackageReleaseNotes property to the latest version section contents (this is a standard property, will then be used by NuGet integration automatically).

There are MSBuild properties to tune its behavior:

  • DisableChangelogAutomationTask: set this to true to disable the automatic task invocation (if you want to register it with the custom parameters).
  • ChangelogFilePath: point it to the file. By default, will be set to ../ (resolved relatively to the project file location).
  • ReleaseNotesOutputType: either Markdown or PlainText. If not set, defaults to PlainText.


ChangelogAutomation is a .NET 6 application, so it requires .NET 6 SDK (or a later version) for build.

To build the application, run the following command:

$ dotnet build --configuration Release

To run the unit test suite, run the following command:

$ dotnet test --configuration Release

To run the integration test for the MSBuild task package, run the following command:

$ pwsh ./ChangelogAutomation.MSBuild.Tests/Run-Test.ps1

To verify the NuGet package produced for ChangelogAutomation.MSBuild, run the following command:

$ pwsh ./ChangelogAutomation.MSBuild.Tests/Run-PackageValidation.ps1

To run the developer version, execute the following command (usual application arguments follow after --):

$ dotnet run --project ChangelogAutomation -- …


  • Changelog
  • Maintainership
  • License (MIT)
  • Markdig library license (which is bundled into the ChangelogAutomation distributions) should be in the same directory as this file ( with the name license_Markdig.txt.