
Multithreading TCP server and client communicating over TCP/IP - Windows Forms Application.

MIT License


Chat App

Windows Forms Application made in Visual Studio Community 2019 v16.7.6 and written in C# (.NET Framework v4.6.1).

Application is made for sole purpose of showing how to implement TcpListener and TcpClient classes, as well as asynchronous read and write functions.

Used ConcurrentDictionary class which is a thread-safe collection of key/value pairs to store client information.

Used Task class to prevent race conditions.

Server uses multithreading to accept clients (i.e. server can accept multiple clients).

Check the code in these two files:

Tested on Windows 10 Enterprise OS (64-bit).

Made for educational purposes. I hope it will help!

Future plans:

  • create server and client classes,
  • option to hide the key field.

How to Run

Run Server.exe and Client.exe.

You can use ngrok to give your server a public address:

ngrok.exe tcp 9000

For more options run ngrok.exe -h.
