
Open source Xamarin.Forms app for My Conference Events and Desert Code Camp

MIT License


Desert Code Camp App


  • Create a brand new Desert Code Camp mobile application
  • Cross platform with Xamarin.Forms from one single code base
  • Open Source & Free Community Project

Mobile App Goals

  • Browse Sessions/My Sessions from site
  • Browse Speakers
  • Browse Location/Venue
  • Browse Twitter Activity for Event
  • Browse Sponsors
  • Get information about event

My Conference Events Data


  • Download Location: Since Google has long file paths it is recommended to download this into C:\Source

###Debugging Windows Phone

  • To Debug on Phone: Change Configuration Manager to run on ARM for project
  • To Debug on Simulator: Change Configuration Manager to run on x86 for project

Maps (special note)

Xamarin.Forms.Maps uses the native map APIs on each platform. If you are creating your own Xamarin.Forms app, Xamarin.Forms.Maps is a a separate NuGet package that you should download. On Android, this also has a dependency on GooglePlayServices (another NuGet) which is downloaded automatically. These have already been added to the CodeCamp solution.

After adding a reference to Xamarin.Forms.Maps in a new project, you also need to add


calls to each application. Refer to the CodeCamp example where this is already implemented.

####Install Google Play Services in SDK Mangaer

Open SDK Manager and scroll to bottom and select Google Play Services.


On iOS the map control "just works".


To use the Google Maps API on Android you must generate an API key and add it to your Android project. See the Xamarin doc on obtaining a Google Maps API key. After following those instructions, paste the API key in the Properties/AndroidManifest.xml file (view source and find/update the following element):

<meta-data android:name="" android:value="AbCdEfGhIjKlMnOpQrStUvWValueGoesHere" />

You need to follow these instructions in order for the map data to display in CodeCamp on Android.

###Windows Phone

The Map control in Windows Phone requires the ID_Cap_Map capability to be selected. This has already been done in the source code, but should be kept in mind if you add maps to a new Xamarin.Forms app.