
Exploratory prototypes of paging data structures and a simple text based code index


CodeIndex Project

This project started out as a way to entertain myself mid flight from Seattle to LA.

The highlevel goal(s) are to:

  • Explore search and indexing concepts.
  • Explore disk IO, caching, and disk access optimization concepts.
  • Create an instantaneous command line tool for searching through code.
  • Integrate with Visual Studio in a way that improves performance and capabilities of existing search features.

The repo currently has:

  • Hack and slash prototype (read: terrible quality) prototype code indexer and index reader.
  • A hacky, interesting framework for building large, single-file caches in the form of lists or dictionaries, with built in paging/page-caching.
  • Server app that accepts index and search requests via JSON RPC formatted as MessagePack.
  • Proof of concept Visual Studio extension that makes requests to the server app.

Next steps are to solidify this skeletal app into something useful.