
Collection extensions and custom collections for .NET.

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Collections.NET is a set of collection extensions and custom collections.

All code in this package is under the System.Collections.Generic namespace, so you automatically have access to the extension methods simply by using the namespace.

Nuget installation

Install using package manager:

PM> Install-Package Collections.NET

Install using dotnet CLI:

> dotnet add package Collections.NET

Collection extensions

Extension methods for common collection interfaces like IEnumerable<T>, ICollection<T> and IList<T>.

Method name Interface Description
AddRange ICollection<T> Adds one or more items to a collection in a single operation. Inspired by the List<T>.AddRange method.
AllOrNone IEnumerable<T> Determines whether all or none of the elements in a sequence match a predicate.
Chunk IEnumerable<T> Splits a collection into chunks of a specified size.
Fill IList<T> Sets all elements in a collection to a specific value.
ForEach IEnumerable<T> Iterates over each element in a collection and calls the specified delegate for each item. Inspired by the List<T>.ForEach method.
IndexOf IList<T> Finds the index of the first matching element in a collection based on the specified predicate.
IndexOfAll IList<T> Finds all indices of the matching elements in a collection based on the specified predicate.
InsertRange IList<T> Inserts one or more items into a collection at the given location in a single operation.
IsEmpty IEnumerable<T> Indicates whether a collection is empty. A better way of doing if !collection.Any()
IsNotNullOrEmpty IEnumerable<T> Determines whether a sequence is not null and has at least one element.
IsNullOrEmpty IEnumerable<T> Indicates whether a collection is null or empty.
LastIndexOf IList<T> Finds the index of the last matching element in a collection based on the specified predicate.
None IEnumerable<T> Determines whether none of the elements in a collection satisfies the specified predicate. Opposite of the LINQ All extension method.
Partition IEnumerable<T> Checks each element in a collection against a predicate and returns the elements that match and the elements that do not.
Random IList<T> Creates a collection of the specified size with random values picked from a specified collection.
Range ICollection<T> Returns an iterator for the elements in the collection from the specified start index to the end index.
RemoveAll IList<T> Removes all elements from a collection that satisfies the specified predicate.
RemoveFirst IList<T> Removes the first element from a collection that satisfies the specified predicate.
RemoveLast IList<T> Removes the last elements from a collection that satisfies the specified predicate.
Repeat IEnumerable<T> Creates a collection that contains the specified collection repeated a specified number of times.
Shuffle IEnumerable<T> Returns a shuffled collection from a given collection.
ShuffleInplace IList<T> Shuffles the elements of a collection.
SlidingChunk IList<T> Returns overlapping chunks of elements of the specified size from a collection.
ToArray IEnumerable<T> Creates an array from a collection. Overloads available to select the elements from the collection to be included in the array based on a predicate, and to convert the elements to a different type.
ToList IEnumerable<T> Creates a List<T> from a collection. Overloads available to select the elements from the collection to be included in the array based on a predicate, and to convert the elements to a different type.
Union IEnumerable<T> Produces a set union of two sequences.
WhereNot IEnumerable<T> Filters a collection on the values that do not match the specified predicate. Inverse of the LINQ Where method.

Dictionary extensions

Extension methods on the IDictionary<T, U> interface.

Method name Description
AddOrUpdate Adds a new entry for a specified key if it doesn't already exist, otherwise updates the existing entry.
GetValueOrDefault Gets a value for a specified key or a default value if the key does not exist.
GetValueOrAdd Gets a value for a specified key or adds an entry if the key does not exist.

Byte array extensions

Extension methods that provide commonly-used operations on byte arrays.

Since .NET arrays implement IList<T>, most of the extension methods operate on IList<byte> rather than just byte[]. The documentation will continue to refer to them as byte arrays.

Method name Description
IsEqualTo Checks whether two byte collections contain the same data.
IsNullOrZeroed Indicates whether a byte collection is null, empty or contains only zeroes.
IsZeroed Indicates whether a byte collection is empty or contains only zeroes.
ToString Joins all values in a byte collection using a specified delimiter.

Byte sequence operations

The byte array extensions also provide a number of methods to deal with sequences of bytes:

Method name Description
GetBytesUptoSequence Gets all the bytes in a byte array up to the specified byte sequence.
IndexOfSequence Gets the index of the first occurence of the specified byte sequence in a byte array.
IndexOfSequences Gets all indices of the occurences of the specified byte sequence in a byte array.
SplitBySequence Splits a byte array by the specified byte sequence.

EnumIterator class

The EnumIterator class provides two static methods to create an iterator for the values of an enum.

// First overload - takes a generic type parameter for the enum type
foreach (DayOfWeek day in EnumIterator.For<DayOfWeek>())

// Second overload - non-generic method that accepts Type parameter.
List<DayOfWeek> days = EnumIterator.For(typeof(DayOfWeek)).ToList();