
The Fluent Builder Pattern without all the manual work!

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The Fluent Builder Pattern without all the manual work!


PM> Install-Package DynamicFluentBuilder

Defining a Builder

Given that a class, foo exists defined as:

public class Foo
    public bool IsTrue;
    private readonly string _message;

    public Foo(string message, bool isTrue)
        IsTrue = isTrue;
        _message = message;

A builder for foo may look something like this:

public class FooBuilder : DynamicFluentBuilder<Foo>{}

That's it! I like to put these in Support/Builders in my Test projects


dynamic _builder = new FooBuilder();

var foo = _builder
    .WithMessage("hello world")

and then foo will look like this:

  IsTrue: true
  _message: "hello world"
  Number: 0

Additional Customization of the Builder

public class FooBuilder : DynamicFluentBuilder<Foo>
    // Note: these must be named the same as in the Model
    public string SetByDefaultInBuilder = "Dynamic code is fun code."

    public FooBuilder WithBooleansOfValue(bool isTrue, bool booleanField)
        dynamic me = this;


        return this;