
The easiest possible way to use Scintilla.NET in Windows Forms

GPL-3.0 License



A (hopefully) easier way to use ScintillaNET in Windows Forms


The easiest way to install is to use NuGet!

> Install-Package EasyScintilla


The goal was to make Scintilla as easy as possible to drop into a Windows Forms project.

From the forms designer, simply drag the SimpleEditor control from the toolbox onto the form.

Then, in the code behind set the Styler property.

this.simpleEditor1.Styler = new CSharpStyler();

That's it!

Common Issues

Some users have been having issues where the SimpleEditor control does not get added to the Designer Toolbox.

To fix that, follow these steps:

  1. If you've not done so already, install EasyScintilla
  2. Open up the Windows Forms Designer
  3. Right click on the empty space in the Toolbox, and click "Choose Items"
  4. Once it has finished loading, click Browse.
  5. Navigate to your project directory, and look for the folder called "packages". This is where Visual Studio saves your NuGet packages after you install them.
  6. Navigate to [solution_root]\packages\jacobslusser.ScintillaNET.3.6.3\lib\net40 and choose the file ScintillaNET.dll and click OK.
  7. Navigate to [solution_root]\packages\EasyScintilla.1.0.3\lib\net40 and choose EasyScintilla.dll and click OK.
  8. Click OK.
  9. You should now see both the Scintilla and SimpleEditor controls appear in the Toolbox. Scintilla is the base editor from Scintilla.NET and SimpleEditor is from this project.


I've built a few stylers into EasyScintilla, but I will happily take pull requests for new stylers.

You can create your own stylers be deriving from the abstract class ScintillaStyler

Examples can be found in the Stylers Directory.

Built in stylers

Language Styler Class
C# CSharpStyler
HTML HtmlStyler
PowerShell PowerShellStyler
Python PythonStyler
Ruby RubyStyler
SQL SqlStyler
Teradata Parallel Transporter (TPT) TptStyler
Windows Batch BatchStyler