
Simple parser using SuperPower, the parser combinator by Nicholas Blumhardt


Elevator Control Language

Simple parser using Superpower, the parser combinator library by Nicholas Blumhardt

Hey! Would you like to create a parser? Then take a look to learn how to create a one for a simple language! :)

I have invented a very basic grammar just to learn. I have thought of an elevator that follows a list of instructions to go up, down and wait.


(UP 100),
(DOWN 200),
(DOWN 100),
(DOWN @1),
(UP @3),
(UP 300)

As you see, it consists of a list of comma-separated verbs to move, for example, an elevator.

  • The verbs are UP, DOWN or WAIT.
  • Every verb is enclosed by parentheses: ( )
  • UP and DOWN require either an absolute number or a relative number, that indicates the floor to which the elevator should move.
  • Relative floor numbers come with a @ before the number.
  • WAIT doesn't accept any number, because it stops the elevator for a while.

This project was inspired by this thread in StackOverflow.