
Lightweight library for composing chain of responsibility pipelines

MIT License



Flo is a lightweight library for composing chain of responsibility pipelines. The inspiration for this project came from the need to break down a large codebase of tightly coupled behavior into smaller units for better extensibility and testability.

Flo works in a similar way to middleware in ASP.NET Core with a focus on immutability and support for handlers that output a different type i.e. Func<Tin, Func<TOut>.

Where can I get it?

Flo is available on NuGet and targets NetStandard 1.3.


To create a pipeline similar to ASP.NET Core's middleware, first define the type you wish to pass between your chain of handlers:

public class HttpContext
    public HttpRequest Request { get;set; }
    public HttpResponse Response { get;set; }

Use Pipeline.Build<T> to create a pipeline passing in a configuration with the handlers you wish to add. Handlers can be delegates or strongly typed (see below). The Build method returns a Func<T, Task<T> or Func<TIn, Func<Task<TOut>> that can safely be reused in your application.

var pipeline = Pipeline.Build<HttpContext>(cfg =>
    cfg.Add((ctx, next) => { // Handler 1
        Log.Logger.Info("Starting request to {path}", ctx.Request.Path);
        return next.Invoke(context);
    .Add((ctx, next) => { // Handler 2
        if (!Validator.Validate(ctx.Request)) 
            await ctx.Response.WriteAsync("invalid");
            return ctx;
        return next.Invoke(context);
    .Add((ctx, next) => { // Handler 3
        await ctx.Response.WriteAsync("Hello World");
        return ctx;

var context = new HttpContext { Path = "/foo" };
context = await pipeline.Invoke(context);

Strongly typed handlers

Flo supports strongly typed handlers. To create a strongly typed handler, implement IHandler<T> or IHandler<TIn, TOut> depending on the type of pipeline you wish to build:

public class MerchantValidator : IHandler<RequestPayment, ValidationResult>
    public async Task<ValidationResult> HandleAsync(
        RequestPayment command, 
        Func<RequestPayment, Task<ValidationResult>> next)
        if (command.MerchantId <= 0)
            return new ValidationResult
                ErrorCode = "merchant_invalid"
        return await next.Invoke(command);

Strongly typed handlers are registered in the same way as delegate handlers:

public static Func<RequestPayment, Task<ValidationResult>> Build()
    return Pipeline.Build<RequestPayment, ValidationResult>(cfg =>
        .Final(s => Task.FromResult(new ValidationResult { IsValid = true }))

Final Handlers

There are some differences between how the final handler is handled with Pipeline<T> and Pipeline<TIn, TOut>.

For Pipeline<T> you do not need to do anything to mark the final handler as Flo will automatically feed the output your final handler into the input of the previous one, on the way back out. You can therefore safely call next.Invoke on your final handler without issue, for example:

var pipeline = Pipeline.Build<TestContext>(cfg =>
    cfg.Add((ctx, next) => {
        ctx.Add("Item1", "Item1Value");
        return next.Invoke(ctx);
    .Add((ctx, next) => {
        ctx.Add("Item2", "Item2Value");
        return next.Invoke(ctx); // no issue

With Pipeline<TIn, TOut> Flo can't automatically feed the final handler result into the previous handler so you should not call next.Invoke on the final handler, for example:

var pipeline = Pipeline.Build<string, int>(cfg =>
    cfg.Add((input, next) => {
        input += "hello";
        return next.Invoke(input);
    .Add((input, next) => {
        input += " world";
        return next.Invoke(input);
    .Add((input, next) => {
        return Task.FromResult(input.Length); // don't call next

If you do, default(TOut) will be returned. A convenience method Final is also available on both pipeline types, to make this declaration more explicit:

var pipeline = Pipeline.Build<string, int>(cfg =>
    cfg.Add((input, next) => {
        input += "hello";
        return next.Invoke(input);
    .Add((input, next) => {
        input += " world";
        return next.Invoke(input);
    .Final(input => {
        return Task.FromResult(input.Length); 


When allows you to branch the pipeline based on a predicate, for example:

return Pipeline.Build<RequestPayment, PaymentResponse>(cfg =>
        .When(command => command.Is3ds, inner => 

You can add multiple handlers to the branched pipeline. For Pipeline<T> the parent pipeline will automatically continue after the inner (when) pipeline has completed. The above example would have the following order of execution:

  1. PaymentValidationHandler
  2. ThreeDsLoggingHandler
  3. ThreeDsHandler
  4. ProcessingHandler

The response is returned in the reverse order of execution.

For Pipeline<TIn, TOut> we will only continue the parent pipeline if the inner pipeline does not return a result (null), for example:

var pipeline = Pipeline.Build<TestContext, TestContext>(cfg =>
    cfg.When(input => true,
        builder => builder.Add((ctx, next) =>
            return Task.FromResult(default(TestContext));
    .Final(ctx => {
        ctx.Add("Test", "TestValue");
        return Task.FromResult(ctx);

var result = await pipeline.Invoke(new TestContext());

Since the inner handler returned null we assume that we should continue on to the parent. This behavior can be changed by overriding the continuation function.


Fork can also be used to branch/fork the pipeline. It differs from When in that we never continue to the parent. In the example above, using Fork instead of When would yield the following order of execution (ProcessingHandler is not executed):

  1. PaymentValidationHandler
  2. ThreeDsLoggingHandler
  3. ThreeDsHandler

Using an IoC Container

By default Flo uses Activator.CreateInstance to create instances of your strongly typed handlers. You can either override this by specifying a Func<Type, object> when you configure the pipeline:

var pipeline = Pipeline.Build<string, string>(cfg =>
    ,type => container.TryGetInstance(type) // use StructureMap container

Alternatively you can provide a Func<THandler>:

var pipeline = Pipeline.Build<string, int>(cfg =>
    cfg.Add(() => new StringLengthCountHandler())

All strongly typed handlers are lazily initialised to avoid unecessary overhead if a path in the pipeline is not hit.

More examples

You can find more examples in the tests project. I've also started working on a more comprehensive example that demonstrates breaking up a payment gateway into pipelines here.