
Helper application to translate keywords for F#

MIT License


FSharp Keyword Translation

Utility web application to support translation of F# keywords to different languages. Application show code snippets, so native speakers can validate that code looks legit to them.

.\FSharp.ps1 -FSharpRepo C:\dotnet\fsharp -Language uk -OutputStorage C:\fsharp-ua-lang\mulilang-fsharp

Only Ukrainian has translation for REPL UI. If other translations would be added, change this line and fable.ps1 to enable applying patch.

.\fable.ps1 -FSharpRepo C:\dotnet\fsharp -Language uk -OutputStorage C:\fsharp-ua-lang\mulilang-fsharp -FableRepo C:\fable\Fable -FableReplRepo C:\fable\repl\