
MonoDevelop/Visual Studio for Mac Godot integration


Godot Extension

MonoDevelop/Visual Studio for Mac Godot integration

At this moment extension only has 3 basic functionalities:

  • Launching game: https://youtu.be/vj-75tZjwz4
    The way this works it start /Applications/Godot_mono.app/Contents/MacOS/Godot(can be modified in preferences) inside same working directory as .csproj file. It also adds --remote-debug parameter which allows sending "reload_scripts".
  • Attaching to existing game, launched from Godot Editor: https://youtu.be/3IsDl__Cpnk
    If game was started inside GodotEditor, it's listening on port 23685 or whatever is written in project.godot [mono] "mono/debugger_agent/port" so we just connect to that port with debugger. --remote-debug is connected to Godot Editor, hence "reload_scripts" is not woring.
  • When game started by Launching from IDE and source code is re-built inside IDE it sends "reload_scritpts", aka. hot reloading: https://youtu.be/Krx1FhB68zs
    Godot Mono integration does rest of the magic of reloading new .dll from hard drive and keeping existing values.