IIS Express Manager

MS-RL License


IIS Express Manager

IIS Express Manager is a project which's primary goal is to provide a front-end to the existing functionality of IIS Express.



Manage your sites easily!

IISEM allows you to view and start/stop your previously IIS Express hosted applications easily. All you have to do is to double click on any item to start/stop it. If you don't want it to get in your way - you can always close it and it will wait for you at the system tray.

Portable is Good!

IISEM is completely portable. You can download it and then run it instantly. You can move it to any place in your hard disk. It is possible to run it from your pen drive. It won't touch your registry. It won't even create a config file!

Version Independent!

It will not be affected by the different versions of IIS Express. (Unless Microsoft decides to completely change it)

Run Sites

If you have a site which can be hosted in IIS Express with its own application.config file, but is not hosted yet - you can use IISEM to host it directly. This feature is not stable, yet.

Last edited Sep 14, 2012 at 3:18 PM by lordamit, version 5 (Migrated from iisem.codeplex.com on April 01, 2017)