
.NET MAUI store app developed for an Master's Thesis, utilizing the Fake Store API.

MIT License


AStore - .NET MAUI Store App

Project Description

This project is developed as a part of a Master's Thesis at FSRE. It is a store application built with .NET MAUI leveraging the Fake Store API to simulate the functionality and features of a real-world store application.

You can access the full text of the thesis here (Note: The document is in Croatian).


  • Product listing
  • Categories
  • Product details
  • Cart
  • User profile
  • Authentication
  • Sorting
  • Cross selling
  • Product sharing
  • Recently viewed products

Demo Credentials

  • Username: johnd
  • Password: m38rmF$

More at Fake Store API - Users.

Setup Instructions


More at Microsoft Docs.

Running the app

  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Open the solution in Visual Studio 2022.
  3. Build and run the app.

Libraries Used

The following libraries are used in this project and require attribution:

Thanks to all the contributors!

Other Resources Used

  • Empty State Illustrations by TanahAir Studio - Figma
  • Icons by SVG Repo
  • App UI/UX Design inspired by E-commerce template made by Oleh Chabanov - Behance
  • This software is greatly influenced by content published by James Montemagno and Gerard Versluis at their YouTube channels.
  • Videos by Javier Suárez helped me to understand how to build UI using XAML.

Thanks you for all the great resources!

Copyright and License

Copyright © 2023 A. Kvesić, J. Matković, and Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Computing and Electrical Engineering, University of Mostar. All rights reserved.

Licensed under the MIT License.

Thank You

A special thank you goes to my mentor and my fellow work colleagues who suggested me choosing this topic for my Master's Thesis, provided me resources and valuable feedback. I am not going to mention them by name, but they know who they are. Thank you!