
UNOFFICIAL C# library to use the Poste Italiane Delivery Express API

MIT License


MLocati's C# library to work with Poste Italiane Delivery Express API

This project contains an UNOFFICIAL library to use the Poste Italiane Delivery Express API.


In order to use this library, you need a Poste Delivery Business contract with Poste Italiane.

This library supports .Net 6 and .Net 7.

Logging the communications with the API server

You can hook the MLPosteDeliveryExpress.Options.VerboseOutput` event, for example:

MLPosteDeliveryExpress.Options.VerboseOutput += (object sender, MLPosteDeliveryExpress.Service.Message message) =>

Configuring a proxy and any other HTTP client properties

If you need to configure the HTTP Client (for instance because you need to set up a proxy), you can use some code like this:

MLPosteDeliveryExpress.Options.HttpClientInitialization += (object sender, System.Net.Http.HttpClient client) =>
    // Configure the client here


You'll need the API credentials and the code of the Cost Center (it's something like CDC-...). In order to get these details you need to go to

Create a MLPosteDeliveryExpress.Account instance with these details.

You can also use the account MLPosteDeliveryExpress.Account.Sandbox: in this case, the library will use the sandbox API servers (that is, a test environment).


Poste Delivery Business uses custom codes for countries (they call it ISO4).

For example, Italy has one ISO4 code (ITA1), whereas Germany has 3 ISO4 codes (GER1 for Germany, GER2 for Heligoland, GER3 for Busingen).

You can fetch the list of all the countries with some code like this:

var countries = (await MLPosteDeliveryExpress.Country.Fetcher.FetchAsync(account)).Countries;


For international shipments, you may need to describe the type of the product being shipped.

In order to do that, you must use a taric code.

You can fetch all the taric codes, as well as their Italian and English descriptions, with some code like this:

var tarics = (await MLPosteDeliveryExpress.Taric.Fetcher.FetchAsync(account)).Tarics;

Waybill Labels

In order to print the labels to be applied to the packages to be shipped, you may use some code like this:

var waybill = new MLPosteDeliveryExpress.Waybill.Request.Waybill()
    ClientReferenceId = "12312312341",
    Product = MLPosteDeliveryExpress.AptusCode.PosteDeliveryBusinessExpress,
    PrintFormat = MLPosteDeliveryExpress.Waybill.PrintFormat.PDF_A4,
    Data = new()
        Content = "contenuto",
        Sender = new()
            FirstLastName = "Mario Rossi",
            Street = "Viale Europa",
            StreetNumber = "192",
            ZipCode = "00142",
            City = "ROMA",
            StateOrProvince = "RM",
            CountryISO4 = "ITA1",
            CountryName = "Italia",
            Email = "[email protected]",
            Phone = "37747383787287",
            Notes1 = "sender note 1",
            Notes2 = "sender note 2",
        Receiver = new()
            FirstLastName = "Ditta test",
            ContactName = "Aldo Bianchi",
            ZipCode = "80010",
            Street = "VIALE DEL TRAMONTO 10",
            StreetNumber = "27",
            City = "NAPOLI",
            StateOrProvince = "RM",
            CountryISO4 = "ITA1",
            CountryName = "Italia",
            Email = "[email protected]",
            Phone = "11111111111",
            Notes1 = "note spedizione 1",
            Notes2 = "note spedizione 2",
    Width = 25,
    Height = 10,
    Length = 10,
    Weight = 10,
var request = new MLPosteDeliveryExpress.Waybill.Request.Container
    CostCenterCode = MLPosteDeliveryExpress.Options.Sandbox ? MLPosteDeliveryExpress.Account.SANDBOX_COST_CENTER_CODE : account.CostCenterCode,
    ShipmentDate = new DateTime(2020, 11, 26, 09, 2, 20, 986),
var createdWaybill = (await MLPosteDeliveryExpress.Waybill.Creator.CreateAsync(account, request)).Waybills[0];

You can then fetch and save the waybill to a file with some code like this:

using var stream = await MLPosteDeliveryExpress.Waybill.Downloader.DownloadAsync(createdWaybill);
using var fileStream = System.IO.File.Create(@"C:\waybill.pdf");

If you need to send multiple packages at once, you have to:

  1. Add the dimensions and weight of each package to the waybill.Data.Declared list:
        Width = 25,
        Height = 10,
        Length = 10,
        Weight = 10,
        Width = 50,
        Height = 60,
        Length = 70,
        Weight = 80,
  2. Declare that it's a multi-package shipment:
    waybill.Data.Services.Add(new MLPosteDeliveryExpress.Waybill.Services.MultiPack());
  3. When you call the CreateAsync method, you'll have a waybill instance for every package you declared.

Pick-up Booking

Once you generated a waybill, you can book a pickup with some code like this:

var pickupRequest = new MLPosteDeliveryExpress.PickupBooking.Request.Pickup()
    Operation = MLPosteDeliveryExpress.PickupBooking.Operation.Insert,
    BookingType = MLPosteDeliveryExpress.PickupBooking.BookingType.Single,
    ShipmentId = createdWaybill.Code,
    Where = new()
        Address = new()
            FirstName = "Henrietta Hill",
            LastName = "Gene Bowen",
            StreetName = "via colonnelle",
            StreetNumber = "4",
            ZipCode = "00073",
            City = "Castel Gandolfo",
            StateOrProvince = "RM",
            Country = "IT",
var bookingID = await MLPosteDeliveryExpress.PickupBooking.Submitter.SubmitAsync(account, pickupRequest);

You can also book a multiple pick-up, not associated to a specific waybill. In this case, you can leave the ShipmentId field empty, and set the BookingType field to MLPosteDeliveryExpress.PickupBooking.BookingType.Multiple.

List Pick-up Bookings

You can retrieve the list of pick-up bookins with some code like this:

var filter = new MLPosteDeliveryExpress.PickupBooking.Request.Filter()
    DateFrom: System.DateOnly.FromDateTime(System.DateTime.Today),
var pickupBookings = await MLPosteDeliveryExpress.PickupBooking.Finder(account, filter);


If you want to track the package identified by its waybill code, you can use some code like this:

var (tracking, messages) = await MLPosteDeliveryExpress.Tracking.Tracker.TrackAsync(account, createdWayBill.Code);


  • tracking will contain the tracking data
  • messages will contain any messages returned by the tracking look-up


It's possible to fetch the list of packages that failed to be delivered to the recipients:

var deposits = await MLPosteDeliveryExpress.Deposit.FindAsync(account, new() {
    DepisitDateFrom = System.DateOnly.FromDateTime(System.DateTime.Today.AddDays(-5)),
    DepisitDateTo = System.DateOnly.FromDateTime(System.DateTime.Today),

For each deposit, you can take an action:

await MLPosteDeliveryExpress.Deposit.Decisor.TakeActionAsync(