
.NET Core support for MonoDevelop and Xamarin Studio

MIT License


.NET Core Support for MonoDevelop and Xamarin Studio

Provides .NET Core and ASP.NET Core support for .NET Core .xproj and project.json files in MonoDevelop and Xamarin Studio 6.0 or higher.

Please note that this does not support .NET Core 1.0 and higher which use SDK style .csproj files without an associated project.json file. Visual Studio for Mac and MonoDevelop 7.0 have built-in support .NET Core 1.0 and the new SDK style .csproj files.

This addin uses source code from OmniSharp in order to communicate with the .NET Core design time host. It also uses source code from Roslyn, Microsoft.AspNet.Hosting, Microsoft.Framework.Logging and Microsoft.Framework.OptionsModel, since the Roslyn version of OmniSharp uses types from their corresponding NuGet packages.


Building from source

From the src directory run NuGet restore.

git clone [email protected]:mono/monodevelop.git
cd monodevelop
git checkout master
git submodule update --init --recursive
rm -rf main/build/tests/
cd ..

git clone
cd MonoDevelop.AddinMaker
nuget restore MonoDevelop.AddinMaker.sln
make install /p:MDBinDir=../monodevelop/main/build/bin /p:MDProfileVersion=6.0

git clone [email protected]:mrward/monodevelop-dnx-addin.git
cd monodevelop-dnx-addins
git checkout roslyn
cd src
nuget restore MonoDevelop.Dnx.sln
xbuild MonoDevelop.Dnx.sln /p:MDProfileVersion=6.0 /p:MDBinDir=../../../monodevelop/main/build/bin

The last xbuild step can be replaced by opening the MonoDevelop.Dnx.sln into Xamarin Studio 6.0 and building the solution.

To create the addin .mpack file run:

mdtool.exe setup pack bin/merged/MonoDevelop.Dnx.dll


You can debug the DNX addin if you have the Xamarin Studio 6.0 and the Addin Maker addin installed by selecting Start Debugging from the Run menu.