
A quick and dirty Windows Service for running SQL commands regularly, mainly to maintain regular database backups

MIT License



A quick and dirty Windows Service replacement for SQL Server Agent.

I built this to monitor and automate database backups to local disk and cloud storage for on-premise servers running SQL Server Express edition, which doesn't have SQL Server Agent.

There are other solutions out there but they seem very limited (no reporting, no notification, no auditing, no integration and not to mention, very hard to maintain).

I plan to gradually add new functionality to this service over time. Check the TODO list below for more info.

How to Build, Install and Use

  1. Clone this repository using Git or download a zipped version from GitHub.

  2. Install the .Net Core 3.1 SDK if you don't have it already.

  3. Open a command line and navigate to the folder where the source code is and run:

    $dotnet publish -r win-x64 -c Release

    If you don't like publishing the app with so many DLLs and other files in the same folder, you can try publishing as a single file, which will zip all the dependencies together in the EXE and unzip it to a temp folder at runtime (initial startup time will be slower):

    $dotnet publish -r win-x64 -c Release /p:PublishSingleFile=true
  4. Move the generated EXE (and optional dependencies) to your folder of preference. There is no installer yet.

  5. Make sure you also create a sql_commands.json file in the same folder as the service EXE.

  6. Set up SQL command jobs by editing sql_commands.json. There is an example file provided in this repository.

  7. Customize the SmtpClientSettings section of the config in the appsettings.json file. AdminEmail is the email address to which to send notifications of errors and other information that occurs outside of jobs (like when the service is started or stopped).

  8. Install and start the service by running

    $bt_sql_backup_service.exe install
    $bt_sql_backup_service.exe start
  9. Check Windows Event Viewer for log messages from the service and any errors. You can also run the service executable from the command line and see log messages outputted directly to the console by just calling the executable with no arguments.

More command line arguments are available. Read the Topshelf project documentation for more info. For example, you can install multiple instances of this service by passing certain command line arguments when installing the service. Make sure you install the service from different folder if you do this, so they don't all load the same settings and jobs.

The sql_commands.json file

This file contains a list of SqlCommandEntity. The service will read this file on startup and load any commands defined there as jobs to schedule and execute.

An example file is provided which should be self-explanatory:

    "name": "Full backup of user databases",
    "description": "Performs full backups to local disk, at 3:00 AM, for all user databases, using Ola Hallengren's DatabaseBackup procedure. After it's finished, it deletes backups older than 24h.",
    "connectionString": "Server=,1443;Connection Timeout=10;Database=master;User Id=USERNAME;Password=PASSWORD",
    "sqlCommand": "EXECUTE [master].[dbo].[DatabaseBackup] @Databases = 'USER_DATABASES', @Directory = N'D:\\sqlbackups', @BackupType = 'FULL', @CleanupTime = 24, @CopyOnly = 'N', @MaxTransferSize = 4194304, @BufferCount = 25, @Compress = 'N', @CheckSum = 'Y', @Verify = 'N', @LogToTable = 'Y';",
    "commandTimeout": 10800,
    "cron": "0 0 3 ? * * *"
    "name": "Diff backup of user databases",
    "description": "Performs diff backups to local disk, every 2 hours from 10 AM to 10 PM, for all user databases, using Ola Hallengren's DatabaseBackup procedure. After it's finished, it deletes backups older than 24h.",
    "connectionString": "Server=,1443;Connection Timeout=10;Database=master;User Id=USERNAME;Password=PASSWORD",
    "sqlCommand": "EXECUTE [master].[dbo].[DatabaseBackup] @Databases = 'USER_DATABASES', @Directory = N'D:\\sqlbackups', @BackupType = 'DIFF', @CleanupTime = 24, @CopyOnly = 'N', @MaxTransferSize = 4194304, @BufferCount = 25, @Compress = 'N', @CheckSum = 'Y', @Verify = 'N', @LogToTable = 'Y';",
    "commandTimeout": 10800,
    "cron": "0 0 10,12,14,16,18,20 ? * * *"

In case you yet understand what this file does: this assumes you have Ola's DatabaseBackup script installed on the master database and a SQL Server instance installed and running on the same machine as the service.

What this configuration essentially does is schedule a job for a full backup of all user databases everyday at 3 AM and a job for differential backups of all user databases every 2 hours starting from 10 AM up until 8 PM including (assuming those are working hours, when the database gets new data added).


  • Run SQL scripts on a CRON schedule.
  • Email notifications.
  • Option to backup to Azure Blob Storage directly (as opposed to SQL Server
    doing that).
  • Option to sync local backups to Azure Blob Storage or Azure File Shares in
    order to preserve backup LSN chain and not have to run the same backup


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
