
Provides platform independent navigation at the MVVM level and a Source Generator that automatically binds view and view models and registers this in your DI container

MIT License



Provides platform independent navigation at the MVVM level and a Source Generator that automatically binds view and view models and registers this in your DI container.


  • Uses DI to resolve your view from view model.
  • Generates constructors for your views(optional).
  • Generates an extension method for you with all your Views and ViewModels to register them in DI.
  • Does not contain custom controls, everything happens based on the attached dependency property and does not limit the user.
  • Allows forward/backward navigation like in Chrome.
  • Allows you to receive activation/deactivation events - just implement IActivatableViewModel for your ViewModel.
  • Allows you to generate a typed ViewModel property via an attribute, bound to your BindingContext and initialized from DI.
  • Supports automatic mapping between View and ViewModel based on a global attribute.
  • Allows case-by-case, attribute-based control for Views.


  1. Add .AddMvvmNavigation() call to your Host builder or IServiceCollection:
public sealed partial class App
    public App()
        AppHost = Host
  1. Add ViewFor attribute to your views:
using Mvvm.Navigation;

public partial class MainPage : UserControl;

or assembly level attribute(nameof behavior is ignored and the full namespace is taken):

    viewsNamespace: nameof(MyNamespace.Views),
    viewModelsNamespace: nameof(MyNamespace.ViewModels))]

or in .csproj:

<ItemGroup Label="Navigation">
    <AssemblyAttribute Include="Mvvm.Navigation.MapViews">

Default lifetime is ServiceLifetime.Transient for View and ServiceLifetime.Scoped for ViewModel. 3. Add Navigator to your ViewModel:

public Navigator<ObservableObject> Navigator { get; }
  1. Add commands to your views(or just use Navigator from ViewModel):
        Command="{Binding Navigator.NavigateByTypeCommand}"
        CommandParameter="{x:Type viewModels:BlueViewModel}"
    <ContentControl Content="{Binding Navigator.CurrentView}"/>

Tip: you can use CommandParameter="{mvvm:Type Type=viewModels:BlueViewModel}" for WinUI/UWP/Uno platforms.


The library was written as a replacement for ReactiveUI in a real project, and inherits some concepts from it, excluding reactivity. If you have the same task, then the changes are as follows:

  • Replace RoutingState with Navigator
  • Replace IScreen with INavigable
  • Replace ReactiveUserControl with UserControl
  • Replace ReactiveWindow with Window
  • Replace RoutedViewHost and ViewModelViewHost with ContentControl
  • Use mvvm:Navigation.ViewModel and mvvm:Navigation.Navigator(includes ServiceProvider) attached dependency properties.
  • Or just bind like this <ContentControl Content="{Binding Navigator.CurrentView}"/>


Priority place for bugs: Priority place for ideas and general questions: I also have a Discord support channel: