
.NET Implementation of PASETO (v2 local / public encryption)

MIT License



.NET Implementation of PASETO

For more information about the standard:


  • Supports full .NET Framework and .NET Core (Windows / OS X / Linux)
  • v2 public authentication (uses Ed25519 signatures)
  • v2 local authentication (uses XChaCha20-Poly1305 and Blake2b)
  • No dependency on JSON.NET
  • Easy token creation and support for raw byte arrays


  • This library doesn't support v1 tokens. Per the spec v1 tokens should only be used on systems that can't support modern cryptography.



Install-Package Paseto

Note: If you need a managed-only implementation that does not use libsodium, install Paseto.Public, which only supports handling public tokens. If I can find a managed only implementation of XChaCha20-Poly1305, I'll update the main package to reference it.


using Paseto.Authentication;

// Creating a token
var claims = new PasetoInstance
	Issuer = "",
	Subject = "2986689",
	Audience = "audience",
	Expiration = now.AddMinutes(10),
	NotBefore = now.AddMinutes(-10),
	IssuedAt = now,
	AdditionalClaims = new Dictionary<string, object>
		["roles"] = new[] { "Admin", "User" }
	Footer = new Dictionary<string, object>
		["kid"] = "dpm0"

// Signing and parsing the token with public signing
string token = PasetoUtility.Sign(_publicKey, _privateKey, claims);
var parsedToken = PasetoUtility.Parse(_publicKey, token, validateTimes: true);
Assert.Equal(claims.Subject, parsedToken.Subject);

// Same, but with local encryption
string token = PasetoUtility.Encrypt(_symmetricKey, claims);
var parsedToken = PasetoUtility.Decrypt(_symmetricKey, token, validateTimes: true);
Assert.Equal(claims.Subject, parsedToken.Subject);

// Arbitrary byte array support with public signing
byte[] payload = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Hello Paseto.Net");
string signature = PasetoUtility.SignBytes(_publicKey, _privateKey, payload); // v2.public.signature
Assert.Equal(payload, PasetoUtility.ParseBytes(_publicKey, signature).Payload);

// Same, but with local encryption
byte[] payload = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Hello Paseto.Net");
string encrypted = PasetoUtility.EncryptBytes(_symmetricKey, payload, nonce);
Assert.Equal(payload, PasetoUtility.DecryptBytes(_symmetricKey, encrypted));

// Read footer without decrypting (untrusted data!)
string footerText = "Hello friend";
Assert.Equal(footerText, PasetoUtility.GetFooter(PasetoUtility.EncryptBytes(_symmetricKey, new byte[0], footerText)));

var footerJson = new Dictionary<string, object> { ["key-id"] = "key10" };
Assert.Equal(footerJson, PasetoUtility.GetFooterJson(PasetoUtility.Encrypt(_symmetricKey, new PasetoInstance { Footer = footerJson })));