
Track features and bugs across multiple projects



Track features and bugs across multiple projects

Table Of Contents

  1. Introduction
    • Languagaes & Libraries
    • Project's Structure
    • References
      • GitHub Repositories
  2. Dashboard
    • Add Project
    • Add Solution
    • Edit Project
    • Edit Solution
    • Delete Project / Solution
    • Move Project
  3. Solution
    • Add Sub Project
    • Edit Sub Project
    • Delete Sub Project
    • Extract Sub Project
  4. Project
    • Add ECR
    • Add PR
    • Add RELEASE
    • Add PATCH
    • Edit Row
    • Delete Row

1. Introduction

The Projects Tracker application has the objective to keep track of Engineering Change Requests (ECR) and Problem Reports (PR) for different projects.

1.1 Languages & Libraries

The application is developed in C# 12 - .NET 8.0 and uses the following packages:

  • MaterialDesignThemes 5.1.0 for material design
  • Microsoft.Data.Sqlite 8.0.7 for SQLite database management
  • Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection 8.0.0 for page navigation
  • Newtonsoft.Json 13.0.3 for JSON conversion of SQL query results
  • SharpVectors.Wpf 1.8.4 for including .svg icons

The front-end is developed in WPF using the XAML language.

1.2 Project's Structure

The project is structured in the following folders.

  • icons: icons used in the GUI
  • images: README images
  • rc: resources
    • rc\ResourceDictionaries: resource dictionaries from Microsoft
  • src: back-end of the application
    • Database: all interfaces with SQLite database
    • Models: models
    • MVVM: ModelView-ViewModel design pattern
    • Services: services for page navigation
    • Utility: list of useful methods
    • ViewModels: view models (MVVM)
  • ui: front-end of the application
    • Dialogs: list of dialogs
    • Pages: list of pages
    • UserControls: list of user controls used in the GUI
  • App.xaml: root file of the project
  • MainWindow.xaml: main view of the project

1.3 References

GitHub Repositories


2. Dashboard

The application opens on the Dashboard. It contains two types of card:

  • Standalone Projects: projects not inside a solution,
  • Solutions: container for multiple sub projects that are grouped together.

Each Project/Solution is represented with a card divided into three parts:

  • Header containing the wording PROJECTS / SOLUTION
  • Body containing the name of the item and other informations
  • Footer containing the buttons for editing / deleting

2.1 Add Project

By clicking on the Add Project button, a dialog appears allowing the user to create a new project, giving the following parameters:

  • Project Name
  • Solution Reference
    • No Solution creates a standalone project
    • Create New Solution creates a new solution (with the given name) and insert the project inside
    • Add To Existing Solution moves the project in the selected solution

2.2 Add Solution

By clicking on the Add Solution button, a dialog appears allowing the user to create a new solution, giving the following parameters:

  • Solution Name

2.3 Edit Project

By clicking on the Edit button on a project card, a dialog appears allowing the user to modify a project's parameters:

  • Project Name
  • Solution Reference
    • No Solution leave it as a standalone project
    • Create New Solution creates a new solution (with the given name) and insert the project inside
    • Add To Existing Solution moves the project in the selected solution

2.4 Edit Solution

By clicking on the Edit button on a solution card, a dialog appears allowing the user to modify a solution's parameters:

  • Solution Name
  • Extract All Sub-Projects if checked extracts all the sub-projects and turn them into standalone ones

2.5 Delete Project / Solution

By clicking on the Delete button on a project/solution card, a dialog appears allowing the user to delete a project / solution. Pay attention that by removing a solution, all the sub-projects inside will be deleted too: before confirming, it could be better to extract all subprojects.

2.6 Move Project

A project can be moved inside a solution by dragging it.

3. Solution

By clicking on a solution card you enter in the Solution page. It is very similar to the dashboard one, a part that only the sub projects are shown.

The user can go back to the dashboard page by clicking on the Home Icon.

3.1 Add Sub Project

By clicking on the Add Sub Project button, a dialog appears allowing the user to create a new sub project, giving the following parameters:

  • Sub Project Name
  • Solution Reference
    • Leave In Solution creates a project in the current solution
    • Extract From Solution moves the created project in the dashboard as standalone
    • Add To Existing Solution moves the project in the selected solution

3.2 Edit Sub Project

By clicking on the Edit button on a sub project card, a dialog appears allowing the user to modify a project's parameters:

  • Project Name
  • Solution Reference
    • No Solution leave it as a standalone project
    • Create New Solution creates a new solution (with the given name) and insert the project inside
    • Add To Existing Solution moves the project in the selected solution

3.3 Delete Sub Project

By clicking on the Delete button on a sub project card, a dialog appears allowing the user to delete a sub project.

3.4 Extract Sub Project

A sub project can be extracted from the solution by dragging it over the orange icon.

4. Project

By clicking on a project / sub-project card you can enter in the Project page, which is composed of three parts:

  • At the top there are the buttons to add a new ECR / PR / RELEASE / PATCH
  • In the middle there is the table comprising the following informations
    • Creation Date
    • Closure Date
    • Version plus the Discovery Version for PR
    • Patch Version
    • Identifier
    • Status (Assigned - In Progress - Done)
    • Priority (1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5)
    • Title
    • Actions (Edit - Delete)
  • At the bottom there are the filters for the table (by default only the last version
    is displayed)

4.1 Add ECR

By clicking on the Add ECR button, a dialog appears allowing the user to create a new Engineering Change Request, giving the following parameters:

  • Importance
  • Status
  • Creation Date
  • Closure Date
  • Version
  • Patch Version
  • Title
  • Description

4.2 Add PR

By clicking on the Add PR button, a dialog appears allowing the user to create a new Problem Report, giving the following parameters:

  • Importance
  • Status
  • Creation Date
  • Closure Date
  • Version
  • Patch Version
  • Discovery Version
  • Title
  • Description
  • Note


By clicking on the Add RELEASE button, a dialog appears allowing the user to create a new Release, giving the following parameters:

  • Status
  • Version
  • Creation Date
  • Closure Date

4.4 Add PATCH

By clicking on the Add PATCH button, a dialog appears allowing the user to create a new Patch, giving the following parameters:

  • Status
  • Version
  • Creation Date
  • Closure Date
  • Patch Version

4.5 Edit Row

By clicking on the pencil button, a dialog appears allowing the user to edit the given row.

4.6 Delete Row

By clicking on the trash bin button, a dialog appears allowing the user to delete the given row.