

EventStoreDB persistence for Proto.Actor

Tha library implements persisting events and snapshots for the Proto.Actor actor model framework using EventStoreDB.

The latest version of the library supports only the gRPC protocol and can only be used with EventStoreDB version 20+.


Install the package to your solution:

dotnet add nuget Proto.Persistence.EventStore

Create an EventStore connection in your startup code and ask it to connect.

var eventStoreClient = EventStoreClient.Create("esdb://localhost?tls=false")

Then, configure the persistence for your actor:

var provider = new EventStoreProvider(eventStoreClient);
var props = Props.FromProducer(() => new MyPersistenceActor(provider));

From here, everything should work, including snapshots.


Check Proto.Persistence.EventStore.Sample to see stuff working.

Use docker-compose up to start the EventStoreDB in a container. The docker-compose.yml file is located in the sample project directory, and it uses the ARM64 Docker image of EventStoreDB. Change the image to eventstore/eventstore to run it on x64 machine. Check the web UI at http://localhost:2113 with user user and password changeit, look at the Stream Browser to see the actor stream and the snapshot stream.

When the app runs, it only adds events and snapshots. If you stop the app and run it again, it will recover actors by reading snapshots and events and then continue adding new events.