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Startup instructions for RavenDB on Linux

  • RavenDB as a Console Application Open bash terminal Type: chmod +x run.sh ./run.sh

  • RavenDB as Daemon (systemd - applies to Ubuntu 16.04) Open bash terminal, and create file /etc/systemd/system/ravendb.service, using super user permissions, containing: [Unit] Description=RavenDB v6.0 After=network.target

    [Service] LimitCORE=infinity LimitNOFILE=65535 LimitRSS=infinity LimitAS=infinity LimitMEMLOCK=infinity TasksMax=infinity StartLimitBurst=0 Restart=on-failure Type=simple TimeoutStopSec=300 User= ExecStart=/path/to/RavenDB/run.sh

    [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target

Note: Replace in the above text the username "User=" and set path in "ExecStart"

Then register the service and enable it on startup by typing: systemctl daemon-reload systemctl enable ravendb.service

Start the service: systemctl start ravendb.service

View its status using: systemctl status ravendb.service or journalctl -f -u ravendb.service