
An editable C# REPL (Read Eval Print Loop) powered by Roslyn and .NET Core

MIT License



A roslyn-powered editable REPL for C#.


  • Correct mistakes on previous lines, even after you evaluate them.
  • Re-evaluate a line multiple times by hitting ctrl + enter
  • Intellisense and method signature documentation
  • Syntax highlighting
  • Reference assemblies by #r path/to/my.dll
  • Reference nuget packages by #nuget MyPackage
  • Pretty-print evaluation results
  • Export your REPL session as C# or Markdown
  • Detect incomplete expressions (e.g. if (condition) {), and insert a "soft newline" rather than evaluating the incomplete expression.


Replay requires Windows 10 (due to WPF).

  • Download Replay from the Releases page and unzip the archive.
  • Run Replay.exe and type help to get started!
    • The very first run of Replay will be slow (around 7 or 8 seconds), but subsequent starts should be much faster (1 second or less).

If you'd like to read more about what Replay can do, check out the Usage page on the wiki.

Building from source

To build from source, clone the repository and run dotnet build. See the Contributing page on the wiki for more information.
