
An advanced file copying app developed using C# and Avalonia Ui

MIT License



Speedy is a desktop cross-platform application developed using C# and Avalonia Ui that offers you a lot of useful features when copying files

⚙️ Features :

  • Speedy offers you an amazing speed when copying a new version of a folder to overwrite an old one .

    It does that by only copying the modified files to the destination without the need to recopy everything like most operating systems .

  • Speedy gives you the ability to pause the copying operation . you can close the application (even the computer!) and continue the copying later whenever you want to .

  • Also Speedy gives you the ability to save the state of your copying operation so you can load it later to continue copying . This seems a lot like the pause feature but it gives you an additional ability . The ability to cancel the copying operation , copy some other more important things and load the copying state you saved whenever you want to complete the operation

    It's important to not modify the source and destination folders before completing a saved copying state . If one of the folder has been modified the copying won't function properly ( Speedy detects most of the time that a destination/source folder has been modified so you will stay informed )

    If you have modified one of the folders don't worry you can start a new copying operation to continue copying and as speedy don't recopy unmodified files you won't wait to get to where you stopped but it will have to restart copying the last file it was working on in the old operation

  • You can also select some specific files to copy into the destination folder in addition to the ability to copy a folder's content option making Speedy useful in every copying operation .

🔧 Parameters :

  • Speedy gives you 2 parametres controlling the behaviour of the copying operation :

    • Remove deleted files in destination : sometimes some files that are contained in the destination folder (the folder to copy data to) don't exist in the source folder (the folder to copy data from) , so you can check this option to remove them and make sure the destination folder is an exact replica of the source

    • Always choose latest version of files : You can check this when you have the same files in the destination and in the source folder and you want to keep the newest version of both in the destination ( meaning that if a file's version in the source is newer than the destination one it will overwrite it else it won't )

💻 Supported Platforms :

Speedy is a desktop cross-platform application meaning it works on most operating systems including :

  • Windows 7 and higher

  • macOS High Sierra 10.13 and higher

On Linux , Speedy is supported on the following distributions :

  • Debian 9 (Stretch) and higher
  • Ubuntu 16.04 and higher
  • Fedora 30 and higher

✔️ Download Speedy :

You can find the latest version of Speedy Here