
Syncfusion HelpDesk Client

MIT License


SyncfusionHelpDesk WebAssembly

Covered in the Book:

Blazor WebAssembly Succinctly

Add Syncfusion License

  1. Get a Free Syncfusion License at this link
  2. Update Syncfusion.Licensing.SyncfusionLicenseProvider.RegisterLicense in SyncfusionHelpDeskClient.Client/Program.cs

To Install

  1. Create a Database on your SQL server, and run scripts in !SQL directory
  2. Edit appsettings.json to set the database connection in the DefaultConnection property
  3. Run the application, click the Register link and create a user named Admin@email
  4. Log out and log back in as Admin@email. You will now be the Administrator

To Enable Emails

  1. Get an API key from
  2. Open appsettings.json:
  • Uncomment the '//' before SENDGRID_APIKEY and enter your SendGrid API key in place of: {{ uncomment and enter your key from }}
  • Uncomment the '//' before SenderEmail and enter your Email address in place of: {{ uncomment and enter your email address }}

Also See