
A Task Management System built with C# and .NET framework, featuring a user-friendly GUI, database connectivity, and a comprehensive dashboard for task creation, status updates, prioritization, and deletion.

MIT License


Task Management System


TaskSphere is an application designed to help you efficiently manage your tasks and to-do lists. Built with C# and the .NET framework, this system offers a user-friendly GUI and robust database connectivity. With TaskSphere, you can create tasks, organize them into to-do lists, set statuses, mark important tasks, and delete tasks. The comprehensive dashboard provides an overview of all your tasks.

Graphical User Interface

Technologies Used

  • C#
  • .NET Framework
  • Windows Forms
  • SQL Server (or any other database used)
  • GUNA.UI2 package


  • Create tasks and to-do lists
  • Set task statuses (Pending/Completed)
  • Mark tasks as important
  • Delete tasks
  • Dashboard for task overview

Getting Started


  • Windows OS
  • Visual Studio
  • SQL Server (or the database system you are using)


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/burhanahmed1/Task-Management-System.git
  2. Open the solution file:

    • Open TaskSphere.sln in Visual Studio.
  3. Set up the database:

    • Restore the database backup provided in the Database folder.
    • Update the connection string in the App.config file to match your database settings.
  4. Build and run the application:

    • Build the solution in Visual Studio.
    • Run the application.


  1. Login/SignUp

    • For a new user SignUp is compulsory, after SignUp user's data will be stored in the database and for his next visits he/she just Login to enter the app.
  2. Creating Tasks:

    • Open the application and navigate to the task creation section.
    • Enter task details and save.
  3. Managing To-Do Lists:

    • Create new lists, add tasks to them, and organize as needed.
  4. Setting Task Status:

    • Update the status of tasks to 'Pending' or 'Completed' from the task details view.
  5. Marking Important Tasks:

    • Star tasks to mark them as important for quick access.
  6. Deleting Tasks:

    • Remove tasks from your list by selecting the delete option.
  7. Dashboard Overview:

    • Use the dashboard to get a quick overview of all tasks, their statuses, and important tasks.
  8. Exit/Close App:

    • Click on the Exit icon in the bottom of the main left panel.


Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repository and create a pull request with your changes.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


Inspiration for this project came from the need for efficient task management tools.