
Implement Tensor Flow Serving C# client example with gRPC. MNIST prediction console application and web paint ASP.NET Core 2.0 and ReactJS application.


[Depricated] !!!Example of integration between Tensorflow Serving 2.0 and NetCore Client App is available here.

TensorFlow Serving MNIST Deep C# client

This is example of C# clients for TensorFlow Serving gRPC service. Repository contains the following content:

  • learning - python script with MNIST deep training model prepare and Readme short instructions how to execute TensorFlow serving with this model.
  • ClientBaseLib - base library with TF Serving gRPC generated classes and utils classes to create Tensors.
  • Console Client - simple console client application MNIST prediction example
  • ASP.NET Core 2.0/ ReactJS Client - SPA application gRPC client for MNIST prediction TensorFlow Serving

How to start web application

  • Run TensorFlow Serving with instructions here
  • Open .NET solution.
  • Update appsetting.json with TensorFlow Serving address:
"TfServer": {
        "ServerUrl": ""
  • Start web application with IIS express
  • Test prediction