
Type-safe extensions and helpers for using Parse.com in Unity

MIT License



This library provides a number of helpers and utilities for dealing with Parse.com in Unity 3D

Type-Safe Queries

If you like using Parse.com in Unity but hate the fact you have to make non-type-safe calls such as:

new ParseQuery<Armor>().WhereLessThanOrEqualTo("cost", 13);

Then disappoint no more, using this library the above becomes:

new ParseQuery<Armor>().WhereLessThanOrEqualTo(a => a.Cost, 13);

The library can also handle chains such as

new ParseQuery<Player>().Include(p => p.Stats.Heath.Remaining); // becomes "stats.health.remaining"

The library also handles interfaces by introducing a new attribute "ParseFieldType".

public class Father : ParseObject, IFather
	public IChild Daughter { get; set; }

new ParseQuery<Father>().Include(f => f.Daughter.Name); // becomes "daughter.name" and works because ParseFieldType redirects the chain to Child rather than IChild

It can even handle lists

public class Father : ParseObject, IFather
	public List<IChild> Children { get; set; }

new ParseQuery<Father>().Include(f => f.Children[0].Name); // becomes "children.name"

Task Chaining

A series of extension methods have been provided that let you chain together calls in a Javascript-Promise like manner:

 // Signup
userService.Signup(usernameInp.text, passwordInp.text, playernameInp.text)

	// Then Login
	.Then(t => userService.Login(usernameInp.text, passwordInp.text))

	// Then we are done
	.Then(OnLoggedIn, OnError);             


Using the extension ".OnMainThread()" for Task you can ensure that your Parse async calls always run in the main thread:

public Task<GameUser> Login(string email, string password)
	Debug.Log("Logging in..");

	return ParseUser.LogInAsync(email, password)
		.Then(t => Task.FromResult((GameUser)t.Result));


Checkout this project as a sub-module in your project, and you should be good to go!