
Demonstration project to use WebXR Augmented Reality with Unity



Unity WebXR Augmented Reality Demo

Demonstration project for using WebXR Augmented Reality with Unity.

This project is for demonstration purposes only. It is not a full implementation of WebXR. It does not integrate with Unity's XR framework. It is not bug free, or thouroughly tested. It is a minimal implementation of a Javascript plugin, and demonstrates how to create a Javascript plugin to interface with Unity, and how to intercept browser functions to provide extended functionality.

Important Files

Assets/Plugins/WebGL/webar.jslib Implements a Javascript plugin for Unity to integrate WebXR into Unity.

Assets/Plugins/WebGL/webar.jspre Is a Javascript file that gets loaded prior to webar.jslib, and creates a hook into Emscripten's getContext function.

Assets/Scripts/WebARManager.cs Is a C# script that bridges the Javascript library to C#, and defines a MonoBehaviour to interact with Unity.

Details / Missing Features

  • This project uses private APIs, and there are no guarantees of it working in any particular version of Unity.

  • No integration with Unity XR frameworks.

  • In XR mode, touch inputs are not recieved by Unity.

  • Only a minimal amount of WebXR has been implemented.

  • Using Skybox as the Camera Background will draw on top of the camera video. Use Solid Color Background with a transparent alpha (0). The alpha of the Background Color will blend the background with the AR camera video.