
Improved Managed Package Framework for VS SDK



VSXtra support for Add-Ins

VSXtra now supports using objects like OutputWindow, VsMessageBox, ActivityLog, RunningDocumentTable, etc. from Add-Ins and from other kinds of Visual Studio Extension artifacts. Feng implemented a great solution through the SiteManager static class that opens VSXtra for Add-Ins and other extensions not only for packages. You can find a sample Add-In named VSXtraMessageBox in the Samples\AddIns folder.

WpfToolWindowPane by Shawn Hempel added to VSXtra

Thanks to Shawn, VSXtra now supports WPF tool windows through the WpfToolWindowPane class. For details see the samples below.

Latest articles:

View more related articles below the demonstration code extracts.

VSXtra Feature List

Demonstration code extracts

The following code extracts give you a feeling about how VSPackages written with VSXtra look like:

Custom Hierarchies

Packages and Services

Tool Windows

Menus and Commands

Custom Editors (New!)

Output Windows and Panes

As the project goes on, more samples are to come.

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Project description

This project is a community project to create an improved Managed Package Framework for VS SDK 2008. The main objectives of the project are:

  • Making it easier for .NET developers to start VSX development
  • Creating a layer above the VS SDK COM interop types to provide real objects to be used as easily as the .NET types of the BCL
  • Leveraging on the state-of-the-art features and tools of the .NET framework
  • Reducing the number of code lines required for basic VSX tasks with about 70%
  • Making the source code of VSPackages much more readable, straightforward and consistent
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