微信全平台 .NET SDK, Senparc.Weixin for C#,支持 .NET Framework 及 .NET Core、.NET 8.0。已支持微信公众号、小程序、小游戏、微信支付、企业微信/企业号、开放平台、JSSDK、微信周边等全平台。 WeChat SDK for C#.

APACHE-2.0 License


home: true heroImage: /icon.jpg heroText: JeffreySu/WeiXinMPSDK tagline: Easily build extended apps for all wechat platforms actionText: Get Started → actionLink: /en/guide/ features:

  • title: Wide Application
    details: Senparc.Weixin SDK with the highest usage rate at present.
  • title: Multi-Platform
    details: MP、WxOpen、Tenpay V2/V3、JS-SDK、Open、Work……
  • title: Scalability
    details: Senparc.Weixin SDK Extension components are used to provide a series of extension modules such as cache and WebSocket.

Readings: The Node version can be managed using NVM, DownloadNVM

  1. Install yarn using Node

    npm install -g yarn
  2. Installation project dependent run (project source root run)

    yarn install
  3. Run document project

    yarn docs:dev

Document catalogue

Document catalogue Description
/docs/en/guide/ Guide
/docs/en/guide/mp/ MP Document
 /docs/en/guide/mp/jssdk/  JSSDK
 /docs/en/guide/mp/oauth2.0/  OAuth 2.0
 /docs/en/guide/mp/menu/  Menu Setting
/docs/en/guide/wxopen/ WxOpen Document
 /docs/en/guide/request-service/  MiniProgram Request Service
 /docs/en/guide/login/  Login
 /docs/en/guide/get-phone-number/  GetPhoneNumber
/docs/en/guide/work/ Work Document
 /docs/en/guide/work/jssdk-general/  JSSDK (General)
 /docs/en/guide/work/jssdk-agent-config/  JSSDK(agentConfig)
 /docs/en/guide/work/oauth2.0/  OAuth 2.0
 /docs/en/guide/work/menu/  Menu Setting
/docs/en/guide/tenpayv3/ TenPayV3 Document
 /docs/en/guide/tenpayv3/jssdk/  JSAPI
 /docs/en/guide/tenpayv3/callback/  PayNotify
 /docs/en/guide/tenpayv3/nativepay/  Native Pay
 /docs/en/guide/tenpayv3/refund/  Refund
/docs/en/guide/tenpayv2/ TenPayV2 Document
 /docs/en/guide/tenpayv2/jssdk/  JSAPI
 /docs/en/guide/tenpayv2/callback/  PayNotify
 /docs/en/guide/tenpayv2/nativepay/  Native Pay
 /docs/en/guide/tenpayv2/refund/  Refund

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