
Library which allow extract meta information from page

MIT License



X.Web.MetaExtractor is a powerful library that allows you to extract meta information from any web page URL. It provides a variety of content loaders to handle HTTP requests using different libraries.

Breaking Changes

  • Metadata class was changes: The Content field has been removed from the Metadata class. Ensure to update your code to reflect this change if you were using the Content field.
  • Description Extraction Logic: The Extractor class now only extracts the description from meta tags, without attempting to parse the content of the page. Adjust your implementation if it relied on content parsing for the description.


  • Extract meta information from any web page URL.
  • Support for multiple HTTP libraries:
    • Flurl
    • FsHttp
    • RestSharp
  • Detect the language of the page content.


To install the library, use the following command:

dotnet add package X.Web.MetaExtractor


Here is a basic example of how to use the X.Web.MetaExtractor library:

using X.Web.MetaExtractor;
using X.Web.MetaExtractor.ContentLoaders;
using X.Web.MetaExtractor.LanguageDetectors;

// Create instances of the necessary components
IPageContentLoader contentLoader = new FlurlPageContentLoader();
ILanguageDetector languageDetector = new LanguageDetector();
string defaultImage = "https://example.com/example.jpg";

// Create an instance of the Extractor
IExtractor extractor = new Extractor(defaultImage, contentLoader, languageDetector);

// Extract meta information from a URL
var metaInfo = await extractor.ExtractAsync( new Uri("https://example.com"));

// Display the extracted meta information
Console.WriteLine($"Title: {metaInfo.Title}");
Console.WriteLine($"Description: {metaInfo.Description}");
Console.WriteLine($"Keywords: {metaInfo.Keywords}");
Console.WriteLine($"Language: {metaInfo.Language}");

Interfaces and Classes


IExtractor defines the interface for extracting meta information.


ILanguageDetector defines the interface for detecting the language of the page content.


IPageContentLoader defines the interface for loading the content of a web page.


Metadata is a class that holds the meta information of a web page, including the title, description, keywords, and language.

Content Loaders


X.Web.MetaExtractor.ContentLoaders.Flurl provides a content loader using the Flurl HTTP library, enabling efficient and fluent HTTP request handling for meta information extraction from any page URL.


X.Web.MetaExtractor.ContentLoaders.FsHttp leverages the FsHttp library to load content, facilitating robust and type-safe HTTP request execution for extracting meta information from any page URL.


X.Web.MetaExtractor.ContentLoaders.HttpClient utilizes the HttpClient class to load content, offering a flexible and reliable approach to perform HTTP requests for meta information extraction from any page URL.


X.Web.MetaExtractor.ContentLoaders.RestSharp uses the RestSharp library for content loading, providing an intuitive and powerful way to handle HTTP requests for extracting meta information from any page URL.


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.