
Package with multiple field validations for Xamarin.Forms



Package with multiple field validations for Xamarin.Forms.

Easily validate numbers, texts and implement masks.

This is the component, works on iOS, Android and UWP.


Name Info
Xamarin.Forms.BehaviorValidationPack NuGet
Xamarin.Forms.BehaviorValidationPack.XFMaterial NuGet

Platform Support

Xamarin.Forms.BehaviorValidationPack is a .NET Standard 2.0 library.Its only dependency is the Xamarin.Forms

Setup / Usage

Does not require additional configuration. Just install the package in the shared project and use.

You just need to add the reference in your xaml file.



        <Label Text="Date" FontSize="Small" />
        <DatePicker >
                <behaviorPack:MaskedBehavior Mask="XX/XX/XXXX" />
         <Label Text="Age" FontSize="Small" />
        <Entry Placeholder="Age" FontSize="Small">
                <behaviorPack:MaxLengthValidationBehavior  MaxLength="2"/>

Behavior for XF-Material-Library

This package is for anyone using the XF.Material

        <material:MaterialLabel Text="Date" FontSize="Small" />
        <DatePicker >
                <behaviorPack:MaskedBehavior Mask="XX/XX/XXXX" />
         <material:MaterialLabel Text="Age" FontSize="Small" />
        <material:MaterialTextField Placeholder="Age" FontSize="Small">
                <behaviorPack:MaxLengthValidationBehavior  MaxLength="2"/>

Available Behaviors

Global Validators

  • CompareValidationBehavior : Compare if two Entrys are the same. Ideal for passwords.
  • DateValidationBehavior : Checks if an Date is valid.
  • EmailValidationBehavior : Checks if an email is valid.
  • MaxLengthValidationBehavior : Limits a Entry with a maximum number of characters.
  • NumberValidationBehavior : Valid if a Entry is numeric.
  • PasswordValidationBehavior : Validate the strength of a password:
    at least 8 characters
    at least 1 numeric character
    at least 1 lowercase letter
    at least 1 uppercase letter
    at least 1 special character

Brazilians Validators

  • CEPValidationBehavior : Checks if an CEP is valid.
  • CNPJValidationBehavior : Checks if an CNPJ is valid.
  • CPFValidationBehavior : Checks if an CPF is valid.
  • CPFCNPJValidationBehavior : Checks if an CPF or CNPJ is valid.


  • MaskedBehavior : Creates a custom mask on an entry.

Based on MaskedBehavior by Adam Pedley (https://xamarinhelp.com/masked-entry-in-xamarin-forms/).

   <behaviorPack:MaskedBehavior Mask="XX/XX/XXXX" />

The complete example can be downloaded here: https://github.com/TBertuzzi/Xamarin.Forms.BehaviorValidationPack/tree/master/BehaviorsPackSample